- Jan 19, 2016
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
* Added SC85-CJ15ab.ETA26 in L1Topo and LVL1 v6 xmls (ATR-12748) * Based on TriggerMenu-00-15-35 * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-48 2016-01-05 Yu Nakahama * Added L1_SC111-CJ15ab.ETA26 in LVL1 v6 xmls (ATR-12748) * Based on TriggerMenu-00-15-30 * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-47 2016-01-05 Yu Nakahama * Added L1LATEMU10_J50 and _XE50 in LVL1 and L1Topo v6 xmls (ATR-10306) * Updated LVL1 v5 xmls to remove J15.28ETA31 (ATR-13043) * Based on TriggerMenu-00-15-29 * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-46 2016-01-04 Yu Nakahama * Added fat-jet SC111-CJ15ab.ETA26 in L1Topo v6 xmls (ATR-12748) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-45 2015-12-18 Sophio Pataraia <sophio.pataraia@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Masahiro Tanaka authored
* Tagged as 00-03-14 * Using EE chamber for pt reconstruction 2016-01-07 Yohei Noguchi <yohei.noguchi@cern.ch> *Tagged as 00-03-13 * modified to enable to choose seeded decoding of CSC by command line option 2015-12-17 Yohei Noguchi <yohei.noguchi@cern.ch> *Tagged as 00-03-12 * modified to execute "full decode" of CSC and put phi-strips in output container. 2015-12-11 Takuya Honda <takuya.honda@cern.ch> * Tagged as 00-03-11 * Just add ChangeLog of 00-03-10 2015-12-11 Takuya Honda <takuya.honda@cern.ch> * Tagged as 00-03-10 * modification of RPCfit Method
Jiri Masik authored
* python/InDetTrigConfigRecPostProcessing.py (InDetTrigTrackingxAODCnv_EF.__init__): import ParticleCreatorTool instances from TrigInDetConf to avoid possible interference between their settings, fixes ATR-13117, ATR-13118, tagged as InDetTrigRecExample-00-11-64 (needs TrigInDetConf-00-00-33) 2016-01-04 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/EFIDUtils.py (debuglevel): extend list of debugged algorithms 2015-12-17 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Disable TrigInDetTrack generation everywhere (beamspot migrated in ATR-12542) InDetTrigRecExample-00-11-63
Jiri Masik authored
* python/TrigInDetPostTools.py: new file with ParticleCreatorTool instances, tagged as TrigInDetConf-00-00-33 2016-01-05 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * python/TrigInDetFTKSequence.py: Remove InDetTrigVertexxAODCnv as xAOD are created directly in TrigFTK_PrimVertex TrigInDetConf-00-00-32 2015-12-10 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/TrigInDetFTKSequence.py (TrigInDetFTKSequence.__init__): simplify FTK case, support new steps FTKVtx and PT, tagged as TrigInDetConf-00-00-31 2015-12-09 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/TrigInDetRecCommonTools.py: fix previous tag, tagged as TrigInDetConf-00-00-30 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Wei-Ming Yao authored
fix PixelCalibDbTool.cxx to be used a new global tag for phase-II upgrade simulation; tagged as PixelConditionsTools-00-06-08 (PixelConditionsTools-00-06-08) * fix PixelCalibDbTool.cxx to be used a new global tag * for phase-II upgrade simulation * tag as PixelConditionsTools-00-06-08 2015-11-10 Weiming Yao <weiming.yao@cern.ch> * fixing a small bug in PixelRecoDbTool * tag as PixelConditionsTools-00-06-07
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
2016-01-06 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * increase MC_pp_v5 and MC_pp_v5_tight_mc_prescale events to 1000 in the RTTs * TriggerTest-00-07-38 2016-01-04 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * increase MC_pp_v6 and MC_pp_v6_tight_mc_prescale events to 1000 in the RTTs * TriggerTest-00-07-37 2015-12-08 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * revive MC_pp_v5 RTTs * TriggerTest-00-07-36 2015-12-07 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * move all MC menu based tests from MC_pp_v5 to MC_pp_v6 for ATN and RTT * TriggerTest-00-07-35 2015-12-03 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * B-physics MC_pp_v6 * TriggerTest-00-07-34 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Susan Cheatham authored
* Reinstate TrigMuSuperEF_MGonly * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-59 2015-12-17 Savanna Shaw * Set doCaloLR to false * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-58 2015-11-29 Savanna Shaw * Additional muon containers for full scan muons (needs TrigEDMConfig-00-02-57) * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-57 2015-11-25 Joseph Ennis * Bugfixes in calotag algorithm and update to python configuration * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-56 2015-10-29 Savanna Shaw * Coverity defects and addition of segment finding for mugirl only configuration * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-55
John Baines authored
* python/TrigBjetFexConfig.py, TrigBtagFexConfig.py,TrigJetSplitterAllTEConfig.py: PriVtxKey = "HLT_PrimVertexFTK" for FTK chains * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-67 2016-01-04 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * python/TrigBtagFexConfig.py: bugfix for FTKVtx config for BtagFex * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-66 2016-01-04 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * python/TrigBtagFexConfig.py: add FTKVtx config for BtagFex * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-65 2015-12-23 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * python/TrigBjetFexConfig.py: add class BjetFexFTKVtx * src/TrigBjetFex.cxx: add protection for pointerToEFTrackCollections == nullptr * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-64 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tim Martin authored
* Manually schedule xAOD::EventInfo conversion when doing RAWtoCOST. Auto conversion broke in 20.7.3 * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-11 2015-12-04 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Export extra (some run 2 specific) information from L1 RoIs. This is stored in key value pairs to avoid EDM change * Mapped with magic numbers * !!! TrigCost Run-2 TOB Access Bundle * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-10
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
* Added JetSimpleCone algo (ATR-12748) * L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-58 2015-12-14 Yu Nakahama * Added EtCut algo (for LATEMU) * MuonSort_1BC: added InputWidth1stStage and removed MinET * L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-57 2015-11-15 Simon George <S.George@rhul.ac.uk> * Root/JetNoSort.cxx;Root/JetSort.cxx;Root/JetSortingAlg.cxx;Root/JetSelect.cxx;Root/JetNoSortMatch.cxx;Root/JetAbbreviated.cxx: coverity ids 24866,25060,30871,24902,24903,24864 fixed: initialise m_jetsize in constructor * Root/GenericArrayCreator.cxx (sort): coverity id 32745 fixed * Root/DeltaPhiIncl2.cxx (process): coverity ids 30870, 31381, more uninitialised variables fixed (ATR-11107) * L1TopoAlgorithms-00-00-56
Julie Kirk authored
* share/TrigInDetValidation_RTT_topOptions_AllSlices.py: add rFTK in tauChains call * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-02 2015-12-16 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0097.cern.ch> * share/TrigInDetValidation_RTT_Chains.py (tauChains): implement tau FTK chains correctly * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-01 * share/TrigInDetValidation_RTT_topOptions_TauSlice.py: * share/TrigInDetValidation_RTT_topOptions_MuonSlice.py: * add 20.7.3.-VAL for FTK tests * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-00 2015-12-15 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0083.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation_FTK_sample1.xml - replace FTK samples with new RDO format * TrigInDetValidation_FTK_sample2.xml * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-99 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Junpei Maeda authored
(-00-05-07) add Run-2 mask channels for MC15c See: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/TgcMcChannelMask fix a bug for EIFI mask2 hits without real hits
John Baines authored
* tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-57 * don't configure unneeded tools for FTK instance 2015-12-17 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh -at- cern -dot- ch> * tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-57 * Properly turn off residual monitoring in all slices except muon - calculations were still running (ATR-13081) 2015-12-09 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * fix a problem with the previous tag, tagged as TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-56 * python/TrigFastTrackFinder_Config.py (TrigFastTrackFinderBase.__init__): run HoleSearch for tauCore to allow better track quality selection, tagged as TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-55 (TrigFastTrackFinderBase.__init__): 2015-12-03 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Michael Boehler authored
* added to Autoconfiguration.py: beam energy for pp-reference run ans pb run 2015 (as RecExConfig-00-03-58-02) * tag RecExConfig-00-03-63 2015-11-11 Michael Boehler <michael.boehler@cern.ch> * added to Autoconfiguration.py: data15_5TeV Project * tag RecExConfig-00-03-62 2015-11-11 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * Autoconfiguration.py: - Autoconfiguration of conditionts tag, also for run 2 - Replace some legacy constructs by proper python * tag RecExConfig-00-03-61 * tag RecExConfig-00-03-59 * python/AutoConfiguration.py: make change for standalone HLT running
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
NOTEsvn status Special tag, directly from VP1AODSystems-00-02-01, only to quickly fix nightly errors in 20.7.X-VAL. It does not contain the changes present in >= 00-02-02. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLINFR-874 (VP1AODSystems-00-02-05)
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
Fixing nightly bug with AtlasCxxPolicy-00-00-77. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLINFR-874 (VP1TrackSystems-00-43-07) * Fixed a crash when displaying Tracks on rel 20 Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-197 * Fixed problem with Qt signal in Tracks. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-198 * Fixed a problem when compiling TruthTrack, because of changes in the Core. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-202 * tagged as VP1TrackSystems-00-43-06
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
python/TriggerEDM.py: HLT_TrigTauRecCaloOnly (+Aux.) are read-only for first run-2 data (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-67) * python/TriggerEDM.py: HLT_TrigTauRecCaloOnly (+Aux.) are read-only for first run-2 data * Tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-67 2015-12-17 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-66 * modify RoiDescriptorStore items 2015-12-17 Fabrizio Salvatore <p.salvatore@cern.ch> * python/TriggerEDM.py: removed HLT_TrigTauRecCaloOnly (+Aux.) container: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-12215 * Tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-65 2015-12-16 Fabrizio Salvatore <p.salvatore@cern.ch> * python/TriggerEDM.py: Add RoiDescriptorStore List * Tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-64 2015-12-16 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
* TriggerJobOpts-00-05-11 * write RoiDescriptorStore 2015-12-07 Joerg Stelzer * python/TriggerConfigGetter.py: disable reading of /TRIGGER/LVL1/Thresholds except for BS->ESD * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-10 2015-12-05 S. xella * adding various prescales for v6 menu * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-09 2015-12-03 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/HLTTriggerGetter.py (HLTSimulationGetter.configure): TrigFTK_DataProviderSvc moved to TrigFTK_RecExample, tagged as * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-08 2015-11-29 S.Xella + N.Ruthman * adding MC and Physics pp v6 generation * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-07 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
Rafal Bielski authored
* Tagging MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-22. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. 2015-11-04 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-21. * src/CscRdoToCscPrepDataTool.cxx (decode): Const fix.
Savanna Shaw authored
* Fix bug in TrigMuonCaloHypo * TrigMuonHypo-00-02-33 2015-12-16 Martin Spangenberg <martin.spangenberg@cern.ch> * Update TrigMuonEFCaloIsolationHypo * TrigMuonHypo-00-02-32 2015-12-15 Masato Aoki <masato.aoki@cern.ch> * Add dR(between RoIs) selection in TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo 2015-12-14 Savanna Shaw <savanna.marie.shaw@cern.ch> * Modify EF combiner hypos to reject combined muons * TrigMuonHypo-00-02-31 2015-12-11 Masato Aoki <masato.aoki@cern.ch> * Modify use latest pT thresholds (_v15a) for TrigMuonIDTrackMultiHypo config 2015-12-11 Lidia DellAsta <dellasta@cern.ch> * Add ptvarcone trk isolation * use with TrigMuonEF-00-04-54 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* clear vector for monitoring * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-42 2015-12-09 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * Fix for LH triggers and ivarloose * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-41 2015-11-26 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * Bug fixing on Bday * Remove unneeded container causing leak * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-40
Elmar Ritsch authored
turn off DBM DetFlag by default to ensure RUN2 configuration (ATLASSIM-2471) (ISF_Config-00-01-28-03) * python/FlagSetters.py: turn off DBM DetFlag by default to ensure RUN2 configuration (ATLASSIM-2471) * tagging ISF_Config-00-01-28-03 2015-12-16 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * python/FlagSetters.py: turn off sTGC and Micromegas in DetFlags.geometry by default to fix digitization crash on ATLFASTIIF output * python/ISF_MainConfig.py: minor adjustment to G4ZLeptonsConeSticky_FatrasID_FastCalo simulator configuration (ATLASSIM-2082) * tagging ISF_Config-00-01-28-02 2015-11-25 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * python/ISF_MainConfig.py: fixing logic in G4ZLeptonsCone_FatrasID_FastCalo and G4ZLeptonsConeSticky_FatrasID_FastCalo simulation setups by routing all non-G4 muons in the Calorimeter to Fatras and limiting Fatras ID simulation to |eta|<5 (ATLASSIM-2082) * tagging ISF_Config-00-01-28-01 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Daniele Zanzi authored
* track selector activeted in FTK class 2015-11-29 Peter McNamara <peter.charles.mcnamara@cern.ch> * Added TrigTauRecMerged_TauFTK class ready for FTK chains
Veit Lorenz Scharf authored
* PPrStabilityMon: add missing call to LVL1::L1TriggerTowerTool::retrieveConditions() * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-59 2015-11-26 Alexander Mazurov <alexander.mazurov@cern.ch> * TrigT1CaloMonitoring_forRecExCommission_Run1.py: Fix ATR-12932 - typo and comment nonexistent JetCleaningMediumTool tool * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-58
Iain Bertram authored
remove alias that is breaking CMake This is no longer used (never worked). Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-58 (DigitizationTests-01-01-58) * remove alias that is breaking CMake This is no longer used (never worked) * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-58 2015-12-03 Iain Bertram <iain.bertram@cern.ch> * We now require three reference sets. 20.1.X(.Y)(-VAL),gcc48 20.7.X(-VAL),gcc49 dev(val),gcc49. * I have modified the scriopt to cope with this. * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-57 2015-11-24 Iain Bertram <iain.bertram@cern.ch> * Needed to modify the keepFilePattern tax in the test xml file to get correct output. Have made change. <keepFilePattern>mc15_2010_ttbar.RDO.pool.root_DiffPool_Comp.pool.root.diffPool</keepFilePattern> * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-56 2015-11-24 Iain Bertram <iain.bertram@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging ControlTest-00-02-31-01. * Test overwrite in detector store.
Scott Snyder authored
Merge from StoreGate-03-06-16: Make sure old proxy is not freed until after replaceProxy() call. (StoreGate-02-45-01-13) * Tagging StoreGate-02-45-01-13. * Merge from StoreGate-03-06-16. * src/StoreGateSvc.cxx (typeless_overwrite): Make sure old proxy isn't freed until after replaceProxy() call. 2015-06-07 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging StoreGate-02-45-01-12. * StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.icc: Hide BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERTs from clang, to avoid warnings. * StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h, StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.icc: Add unique_ptr versions of readPrivateCopy/retrievePrivateCopy. * test/SGtests.cxx: Use them.
Susumu Oda authored
* test/InDetSLHC_Example_TestConfiguration.xml Fixed wrong format * Tagged as InDetSLHC_Example-00-01-50 2015-12-09 Eric Feng <Eric.Feng@cern.ch> * New version 23-25-dev0 which updates LOI to current Strip layout data/slhcsct_local_database_SLHC-23-25-dev0.txt data/IdDictInnerDetector_SLHC-23-25-dev0.xml * Fix parsing issue with Barrel & stub comments for geantino mapping * New version 23-25-dev1 with interstrip spacing of 8mm in forward modules, in addition to updates from 23-25-dev0 data/slhcsct_local_database_SLHC-23-25-dev1.txt data/IdDictInnerDetector_SLHC-23-25-dev1.xml 2015-12-08 Susumu Oda <Susumu.Oda@cern.ch> * test/InDetSLHC_Example_TestConfiguration.xml disabled the TrackingAxAODLOIVF test. Derivation production requires trigger information but Upgrade simulation does not have trigger information. * share/postInclude.SLHC_Setup.py block the /Indet/IBLDist conditions folder to avoid crash. * Tagged as InDetSLHC_Example-00-01-49 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Stefania Spagnolo authored
* tagging RPC_Digitization-01-05-17 * src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (initialize): if config in AtlasCommon is RUN1 or RUN2 setup define MC12 and MC15c setup respectively; in all other cases use MSgeometryVersion R.06 or R.07 to switch on off BOFBOGdbr2 and leave other options at default values * python/RPC_DigitizationConfig.py (RpcDigitizationTool): default requested minimum n. of tracks used for the eff. is 100 * src/RpcDigitizationTool.cxx (DetectionEfficiency): setting for MC15c, if config in AtlasCommon is RUN2, i.e. - read eff and clustersize from cool; - do not kill dead strips (->do not correct, upward, eff. for frac_dead_strips) **; # in case of hardware fixes in winter 2015-2016 shutdown; - if panel eff <0.5, set panelEff to 0.5; - if no measurement is available for the panel, use python default, but if eff from frac_deadstrips < nominal, redefine eff. to eff from frac_deadstrips - requested minimum n. of tracks used for the eff. is 100 for MC15c (keep 50 for MC12 setup) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto authored
* Tagging TrigMultiVarHypo-07-00-09. * fix for JIRA 13062 2015-12-12 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigMultiVarHypo-07-00-08. * Move RingSet inside TrigCaloRingsHelper to avoid duplicating with xAODCaloRings.
Jahred Adelman authored
* Add sector ID to tracks * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-11-51 2015-12-08 Jahred Adelman <jahreda@gmail.com> * Add FTK_SGHitInput.UseNominalOrigin option (off by default) * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-11-50 2015-12-08 Thor Taylor * Updated FTKIP file used by RTT * fixes to rtt config for consistency check and perfmon test 2015-12-07 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TrigFTKSim-00-11-48. * Fix compilation warnings. * Tagging TrigFTKSim-00-11-47. * TrigFTKSim/FTK_CompressedAMBank.h, src/FTK_CompressedAMBank.cxx: Fix clang compilation (placement of restrict keywords). 2014-11-23 Noel Dawe <Noel.Dawe@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Jahred Adelman authored
* src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: recalculate layermap * Tag as TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-21 2015-12-10 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: additional changes for addition of SectorID and LayerMap 2015-12-07 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx (SimToRaw): add test for SectorID and LayerMap 2015-12-06 Jahred Adelman <jahreda@gmail.com> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: set layermap and sector ID in track * Tag as TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-18
John Baines authored
* src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx (TrigFTK_VxPrimary): make default output VxContainer * tagged as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-09 2015-12-03 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/TrigFTK_RecAlgs_Config.py: FTK_DataProviderSvc setting, tagged as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-08 2015-11-26 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: make default output xAOD::VertexContainer "HLT_PrimVertex_FTK" 2015-10-19 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: Add Different default names for VxContainer and VertexContainer. Add monitoring of VertexType * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: Add property to set collection name and set default to "FTK_PrimVx"
John Baines authored
2015-12-11 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * FTK_RawTrackCnv_p1.cxx: bugfix for 6th FTK_RawTrack dataword * tag TrigFTK_RawDataTPCnv-00-00-06 2015-12-09 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * Changes for increase in FTK datawords from 5 to 6 * tag TrigFTK_RawDataTPCnv-00-00-05
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Set SoftMuonTag on * RejectBadTracks set to true for all IP taggers * tagged as BTagging-00-07-55 2015-12-09 Luca Colasurdo * Fixing a bug in the JetVertexCharge option for running in reference mode * tagged as BTagging-00-07-54 2015-12-07 Luca Colasurdo * Fixing a bug in the BTagTrackAssociator.cxx file to run in augmentation mode * tagged as BTagging-00-07-53
Sarka Todorova authored
* change interface to Layer::compatibleSurfaces to be compatible with 20.3 release * memory leak fix in TimedExtrapolator * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-38
Matthew Beckingham authored
* Changes to place quality cuts on leading track for TwoStep * Tagging to TrigTauHypo-00-06-69
William Axel Leight authored
* Restored Peter's hole fix which somehow got lost * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-13 2015-12-10 Will Leight * Removed some left-over debugging output * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-12 2015-12-08 Will Leight * Variable names are now more self-explanatory * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-11 2015-12-06 Will Leight * Adding new muon variables for close hits, non-deweighted hits, and out-of-bounds hits * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-10
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
add monsvc's new config param NumberOfSlots to athenaHLT (ATR-13000 - needs monsvc-00-07-00) (HLTTestApps-20-17-00) * HLTTestApps-20-17-00 * add monsvc's new config param NumberOfSlots to athenaHLT (ATR-13000 - needs monsvc-00-07-00) 2015-12-03 Ricardo Abreu <ricardo.abreu@cern.ch> * HLTTestApps-20-16-13 * Fix failing incompatibility check betweek --tcmalloc and --leak-check options (ATR-12998)