- Jan 19, 2016
Jahred Adelman authored
* src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: recalculate layermap * Tag as TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-21 2015-12-10 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: additional changes for addition of SectorID and LayerMap 2015-12-07 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx (SimToRaw): add test for SectorID and LayerMap 2015-12-06 Jahred Adelman <jahreda@gmail.com> * src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: set layermap and sector ID in track * Tag as TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-18
John Baines authored
* src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx (TrigFTK_VxPrimary): make default output VxContainer * tagged as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-09 2015-12-03 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/TrigFTK_RecAlgs_Config.py: FTK_DataProviderSvc setting, tagged as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-08 2015-11-26 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: make default output xAOD::VertexContainer "HLT_PrimVertex_FTK" 2015-10-19 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: Add Different default names for VxContainer and VertexContainer. Add monitoring of VertexType * src/TrigFTK_VxPrimary.cxx: Add property to set collection name and set default to "FTK_PrimVx"
John Baines authored
2015-12-11 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * FTK_RawTrackCnv_p1.cxx: bugfix for 6th FTK_RawTrack dataword * tag TrigFTK_RawDataTPCnv-00-00-06 2015-12-09 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * Changes for increase in FTK datawords from 5 to 6 * tag TrigFTK_RawDataTPCnv-00-00-05
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Set SoftMuonTag on * RejectBadTracks set to true for all IP taggers * tagged as BTagging-00-07-55 2015-12-09 Luca Colasurdo * Fixing a bug in the JetVertexCharge option for running in reference mode * tagged as BTagging-00-07-54 2015-12-07 Luca Colasurdo * Fixing a bug in the BTagTrackAssociator.cxx file to run in augmentation mode * tagged as BTagging-00-07-53
Sarka Todorova authored
* change interface to Layer::compatibleSurfaces to be compatible with 20.3 release * memory leak fix in TimedExtrapolator * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-38
Matthew Beckingham authored
* Changes to place quality cuts on leading track for TwoStep * Tagging to TrigTauHypo-00-06-69
William Axel Leight authored
* Restored Peter's hole fix which somehow got lost * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-13 2015-12-10 Will Leight * Removed some left-over debugging output * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-12 2015-12-08 Will Leight * Variable names are now more self-explanatory * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-11 2015-12-06 Will Leight * Adding new muon variables for close hits, non-deweighted hits, and out-of-bounds hits * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-10
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
add monsvc's new config param NumberOfSlots to athenaHLT (ATR-13000 - needs monsvc-00-07-00) (HLTTestApps-20-17-00) * HLTTestApps-20-17-00 * add monsvc's new config param NumberOfSlots to athenaHLT (ATR-13000 - needs monsvc-00-07-00) 2015-12-03 Ricardo Abreu <ricardo.abreu@cern.ch> * HLTTestApps-20-16-13 * Fix failing incompatibility check betweek --tcmalloc and --leak-check options (ATR-12998)
Tim Martin authored
* Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-33 * !!! TrigCost Run-2 TOB Access Bundle 2015-12-07 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-31 * Option to exclude a chain from summations 2015-11-27 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-30 * Add first and second HI EB at 13 TeV
Sasha Mazurov authored
ReadLVL1CaloBSRun{1,2}_jobOptions.py: Remove redundant code from job options (fix ATR-12695) (TrigT1CaloByteStream-00-09-47) * ReadLVL1CaloBSRun{1,2}_jobOptions.py: Remove redundant code from job options (fix ATR-12695) * Tagged as TrigT1CaloByteStream-00-09-47
William Axel Leight authored
2015-12-08 Will Leight * Added new muon variables to enums in TrackingPrimitives.h, also a new accessor for one variable in TrackSummaryAccessors_v1.cxx * New variables: # of non-deweighted precision layers, # of precision close hits, # of precision out-of-bounds hits, origin (Endcap/Barrel or Large/Small) of stations that actually contribute to the track fit * Tagged as xAODTracking-00-13-21 2015-10-16 Christian Ohm
Walter Lampl authored
* don't hardcode outputlevel=1 * tag RecExCommon-00-14-47 2015-11-28 Will Buttinger <will@cern.ch> * share/RecExCommon_topOptions.py: Scheduled lumiblock creating alg always if running in athenaMP, otherwise can use the metadatatool, which should be ok in single process * tagging RecExCommon-00-14-46
William Axel Leight authored
* More self-explanatory variable names * Tagging as xAODMuon-00-17-04 2015-12-06 Will Leight * Adding new muon variables for close hits, out-of-bounds hits, and non-deweighted layers * Tagging as xAODMuon-00-17-03 2015-11-25 Edward.Moyse@cern.ch * Schema migrated xAODMuon, moving varcone* to Aux (i.e. no longer dynamic) * Tagging as xAODMuon-00-17-02
Semen Turchikhin authored
* remove debug output (left by mistake in -48) * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-49 2015-12-08 Semen Turchikhin <Semen.Turchikhin@cern.ch> * TrigEFBMuMuFexConfig.py: classes for one input TE * TrigEFBMuMuFex.h/cxx: checks for number of TEs * (to be used with nscan chains) * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-48 2015-11-24 Semen Turchikhin <Semen.Turchikhin@cern.ch> * new python classes for 2-muon bTau chains in L2/EFMultiMuFex * (fro #ATR-12754) * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-47
Matthias Danninger authored
* Add IBL distortions folder * Tagged as InDetCondFolders-00-00-08
Antonio Limosani authored
* Re-align tests to use q-tests such they have a better chance of success * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-24 2015-09-17 Antonio Limosani * Add AthMemoryAuditor * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-23
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
* move all MC based tests to MC_pp_v6 for ATN and RTT * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-26 2015-12-01 Oleg Kuprash <oleg.kuprash@cern.ch> * ut_validate_run1_bs_to_xaod.cxx: update path to the output of ATN test which is used by this RootCore test as the input * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-25 2015-11-30 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * add MC_pp_v6 tests, ATN and RTT * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-24 2015-11-29 Oleg Kuprash <oleg.kuprash@cern.ch> * Added ATN test TriggHLT_Run1BStoxAOD_validation: compare HLT xAOD containers from the reprocessed Run 1 file with their AOD reference * TriggHLT_Run1BStoxAOD: force test status to be "FAILED" if no HLT xAOD containers are found in the output * update requirements and Makefile.RootCore to read xAOD containers * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-23 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
William Axel Leight authored
* Added out-of-bounds and non-deweighted hits to the muon ChamberHitSummary * Tagging as TrkTrackSummary-00-23-15
William Axel Leight authored
* Added calculation of out-of-bounds and non-deweighted hits to the summary * Tagging as MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool-01-00-03
William Axel Leight authored
* Made it possible to set MdtDriftCircleOnTrack error strategy * Tagging as MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-07 2015-11-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-06. * cmt/requirements: Restore dictionary generation. 2015-10-21 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging MuonRIO_OnTrack-02-00-05. * gcc5 port: * MuonRIO_OnTrack/CscClusterOnTrack.h, src/CscClusterOnTrack.cxx, MuonRIO_OnTrack/MMClusterOnTrack.h, src/MMClusterOnTrack.cxx, MuonRIO_OnTrack/TgcClusterOnTrack.h, src/TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx, MuonRIO_OnTrack/RpcClusterOnTrack.h, src/RpcClusterOnTrack.cxx: Add a ctor that doesn't require dereferencing the RIO EL. Add accessor to return the RIO EL directly. Add friend decls for tp converters where needed. * MuonRIO_OnTrack/MdtDriftCircleOnTrack.h, ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
William Axel Leight authored
* Made the MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator set the hit error strategy when it applies a new one * Tagging as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-19 2015-12-02 Jochen Meyer * adding alignment errors for BXE also in loose error * Tagged as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-18 2015-12-01 Jochen Meyer * adding alignment errors for BXE and EEL1C05 in tight error tune * Tagged as MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-04-00-17
Iwona Grabowska-Bold authored
* zdcVetoThresholdLG = 1300 * TrigT2MinBias-00-02-24
Marcin Nowak authored
* python\dictwrite.py: disabled ROOT6 for now till this is implemented * fixed type traversal for ROOT5 * added protection against writing existing streamers again to file * updated list of types to write streamers for to have explicit version number (generic typedefs are not in dictionaries so they don't work) * share/bs-streamerinfos.root: using the fixed dictwrite.py added all streamers missed for xAOD containers before (from 20.1.6) * Tagging TrigSerializeResult-00-01-55 2015-12-01 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * python\dictwrite.py: fix for subtypes and fix for ROOT6 (but without subtypes) * Added streamerinfos from 20.1.5 for: DataVector<xAOD::TrigVertexCounts_v1> checksum=0xbdf26909 DataVector<xAOD::TrigSpacePointCounts_v1> checksum=0xe9b90005 * Tagging TrigSerializeResult-00-01-54
Artem Basalaev authored
* Updated RTT config * Tag as FastChainPileup-00-00-17 2015-11-27 Artem Basalaev * Fix sim_reg_test_fastchain.py script * Tag as FastChainPileup-00-00-16 2015-11-26 Artem Basalaev * Quick fix in RTT config and script file permissions * Tag as FastChainPileup-00-00-15 2015-11-24 Artem Basalaev * updated/corrected test/FastChainPileup_TestConfiguration.xml * added new script sim_reg_test_fastchain.py to extend RTT functionality with an ability to run regression against ISF_Validation jobs * Tag as FastChainPileup-00-00-14 2015-11-13 Artem Basalaev * Quick fix to avoid crashes due to memory leak - run 100 events instead of 500. * Tag as FastChainPileup-00-00-13 2015-11-10 Artem Basalaev * updated test/FastChainPileup_TestConfiguration.xml * corrected regression and reference DCube tests of RDO_truth.root * added regression tests to compare with ISF jobs ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Christos Anastopoulos authored
Cleanup, try to understand drop in efficiency in the crack, fixed a but in Rescale method (egammaTrackTools-01-01-21) * Cleanup, try to understand drop in efficiency in the crack, fixed a but in Rescale method * Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-21
Jiri Masik authored
* python/TrigFTKLoadTools.py: new file with theFTK_DataProviderSvc * python/TrigFTK_DataProviderSvc_Config.py (TrigFTK_DataProviderSvc): remove override of OutputLevel settings * tagged as TrigFTK_RecExample-00-00-03
Jochen Meyer authored
* enabling as-built parameters for data by default * adjustment of access to as-built parameters from DB * tagging MuonRecExample-03-00-10
Peter Kluit authored
* Fix for JIRA 2638 * The error optimisation is now called before the cleaner * To reduce CPU the optimizerErrors() routine is added * In regions where the error scaling (e.g. Barrel/Endcap) is important * more stations will be put on track in data * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx and .h * OutwardsCombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx * requirements * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-51
Jochen Meyer authored
* update strategy when to deweight barrel/endcap and large/small * adding deweighting for more special chambers * tagged as MuonTrackFinderTools-01-00-24
Antonio Limosani authored
John Derek Chapman authored
python/RunDMCFlags.py (RunToTimestampDict): add extra entries for new MC15c Upgrade IOVs. ATLASSIM-2439. Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-11 (RunDependentSimComps-00-00-11) * python/RunDMCFlags.py (RunToTimestampDict): add extra entries for new MC15c Upgrade IOVs. ATLASSIM-2439 * Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-11
Graeme Stewart authored
* Fix in-file metadata for AthenaMP (ATEAM-199) * tag MagFieldServices-00-01-34
Sanya Solodkov authored
* TileTBDump.cxx updated to dump correctly TMDB channels in barrel * with 4 modules per one ROD fragment instead of 8 * Tagging TileTBRec-00-06-41
Sanya Solodkov authored
src/TileMuonReceiverReadCnt.cxx: avoid crash if one of TMDB containers is not in StoreGate (TileRecAlgs-00-09-41) * src/TileMuonReceiverReadCnt.cxx: * avoid crash if one of TMDB containers is not in StoreGate * Tagging TileRecAlgs-00-09-41 2015-11-12 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@pcatl03.cern.ch> * additional options in TileCellSelector * now it's possible to put cut on time * Tagging TileRecAlgs-00-09-40 * coverity error fix * Tagging TileRecAlgs-00-09-39 * update of TileMuonReceiverReadCnt that is now dumping all containers * Tagging TileRecAlgs-00-09-38
Sanya Solodkov authored
* TileROD_Decoder.cxx and TileROD_Encoder.cxx extended * to be able to unpack TMDB channels in barrel * Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-76 2015-11-24 Siarhei Harkusha <Siarhei.Harkusha@cern.ch> * TileRawChannelContByteStreamCnv: StoreGateSvc replaced by ActiveStoreSvc * TileDigitsContByteStreamCnv: StoreGateSvc replaced by ActiveStoreSvc * Tagging TileByteStream-00-08-75
Sanya Solodkov authored
2015-11-06 Sanya Solodkov <solodkov@pcatl03.cern.ch> * going back to OF2 as default method for all collision runs * TMDB code extended to have more channels in output * now 6 channels are saved from ext.barrel modules (D5,D6,D4) * and 9 channels for barrel modules (D0,D1,D2,D3,BC8) * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-13 2015-07-31 Joao Gentil Mendes Saraiva <joao.gentil.saraiva@cern.ch> * resolved a set of bug(s) in TMDB sw: pulse and decision * cosmetic changes in debuging lines * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-12 2015-07-17 Joao Gentil Mendes Saraiva <joao.gentil.saraiva@cern.ch> * updated a comment line in jo * revised also debug lines in TilePulseForTileMuonRecevier and TileMuonReceiverDecision ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
* TrigPSC-20-04-21 * src/Psc.h: * cmt/requirements: remove outdated dependency on threads package, from tdaq release (ATR-12969)
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
* Optimised ph conversion TRT hit fraction cut & latest crack-calibration * Tagging as egammaTools-01-01-35-05
Peter Kluit authored
* printout hits, residuals and pulls for JIRA 2638 * extend printMeasurements() * Tagging MuonRecHelperTools-02-00-18
Will Buttinger authored
'Overhaul order of EndInputFile and LastInputFile incident firing, see changelog' (EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-18-36-06) * src/EventSelectorAthenaPool.cxx: Changed firing of EndInputFile and LastInputFile to occur when switching to new file or end of eventselector respectively These events no longer fire on the ::stop, so should always fire before MetaDataStop. This means if the user interrupts the processing, the EndInputFile and LastInputFile are not fired, only the MetaDataStop (via the service stops) Happens in both ::next and ::seek, so that behaviour consistent in both athenaMP and not * tag EventSelectorAthenaPool-00-18-36-06