- Feb 18, 2015
John Morris authored
* RootCore compatibility * Tag as xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-38 2015-02-11 John Morris <john.morris@cern.ch> * remove layer as data member of TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 * save 7168 bytes per event * Tag as xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-37 2015-01-31 John Morris <john.morris@Cern.ch> * Lots of initialize functions for all v2 classes * Tag as xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-36 2015-01-30 John Morris <john.morris@cern.ch> * Optimise type to minimise disk usage * CMXCPTob_v2 * CMXJetHits_v2 * CMXEtSums_v2 2015-01-30 John Morris <john.morris@cern.ch> * Optimise type to minimise disk usage ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Paolo Calafiura authored
* Tagging TestTools-00-07-20. * share/post.sh (PP): ignore StoreGate v3 printout difference (IncidentSvc) 2015-02-06 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TestTools-00-07-19. * TestTools/SGassert.h (SGASSERTERROR): Missing parentheses. * share/post.sh: Massage error messasges from clang builds.
John Morris authored
* Update to xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-37 * Tag as xAODTrigL1CaloCnv-00-00-06 2015-02-10 John Morris <john.morris@cern.ch> * Update to xAODTrigL1Calo-00-00-36 * Tag as xAODTrigT1CaloCnv-00-00-05
Simon George authored
* src/TrigL1TopoROBMonitor.cxx: various improvements: mainly adding prescale for accessing DAQ ROBs to avoid overloading ROS. * TrigOnlineMonitor-20-00-04 2015-02-10 Simon George <S.George@rhul.ac.uk> * Add TrigL1TopoROBMonitor.cxx and associated files * TrigOnlineMonitor-20-00-03
Graham John Cree authored
* CombinedMuonTrackBuilder fix (double delete) for ATLASRECTS-1608 * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-31 2015-02-11 <Ioannis.Nomidis@cern.ch> * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder fix (deletion of null pointer) for ATLASRECTS-1617 * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-30 2015-02-06 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder fix for calculation of eloss with null MS momentum error as reported in ATLASRECTS-1602 * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-29 2015-02-04 Massimiliano Bellomo <massimiliano.bellomo@cern.ch> * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder fix for WARNING in momentumUpdate due to bad dynamic cast of track parameter surface. Now using updated EDM removing outdated dynamic casts. * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-28
Katharine Leney authored
* Allow the z-constraint in JetSplitter to be an optional parameter. * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-12 2015-02-09 Katharine Leney <Katharine.Leney@cern.ch> * Configurable eta thresholds in SuperRoiBuilder and JetSplitter * Remove TrigBjetEtaHypo from package * Remove a spurious Goosey from Fex * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-11 2015-02-06 Katharine Leney <Katharine.Leney@cern.ch> * Configuration updates for split chains (two step tracking) * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-10 2015-02-06 Katharine Leney <Katharine.Leney@cern.ch> * Replace reset() method with hltEndEvent() * ATR-9684 * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-09 2015-02-04 Jef Hetherly * Coverity fixes ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Francesca Pastore authored
* updating TrigTest_CheckMerge test * TrigValTools-00-03-87 * updating TrigTest_CheckCounts.C and chainDump.py to print and * TrigValTools-00-03-86
Andrew Beddall authored
2015-02-11 Andrew Beddall <Andrew.Beddall@cern.ch> * src/TRTDigitizationTool.cxx from working. Now fixed, but warnings are not given if TRT/Cond/StatusHT is not set up correctly! * Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-00-19 2015-02-10 Andrew Beddall <Andrew.Beddall@cern.ch> * Configured to expect use of TRT/Cond/StatusHT by default for setting straw gas in mixed Xe/Ar geometry; that is initialized m_useConditionsHTStatus as "true". If the folder is absent a warning is given and it *defaults back to full Xenon*. * Changed the behaviour of IsArgonStraw() so that m_UseArgonStraws (set with a postExec) will set all straws to Argon, but is *overridden* by TRT/Cond/StatusHT if available. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Francesca Pastore authored
* Added streamTag into xAODEventInfo (ATR-9029) * TrigSteering-03-07-16 2015-02-09 Francesca Pastore * Change logic in calling the pre-fetching (ATR-9214) * TrigSteering-03-07-15 2015-02-05 Joerg Stelzer * Add loading of algorithms from Run2 database * TrigSteering-03-07-14
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Clean up dictionaries (removing TP converter entries) to optimize ROOT6 header parsing and VMEM consumption (TrigFTK_RawDataTPCnv-00-00-03)
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Clean up dictionaries (removing TP converter entries) to optimize ROOT6 header parsing and VMEM consumption (TrigT1EventTPCnv-00-02-02) * Clean up dictionaries (removing TP converter entries) to optimize ROOT6 header parsing and VMEM consumption * Tag as TrigT1EventTPCnv-00-02-02
Graham John Cree authored
* test/MuonRecRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: fixed JPsi sample * MuonRecRTT-00-07-05 2015-02-09 Graham Cree <graham.cree@cern.ch> * test/MuonRecRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: added jobs for Z, Z', JPsi (all with pileup) * MuonRecRTT-00-07-04
Marius Cornelis Van Woerden authored
* Tagging TileCalibAlgs-00-05-17 * distinguish low and high gain in mean time for timing studies
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Clean up dictionaries (removing TP converter entries) to optimize ROOT6 header parsing and VMEM consumption (TrigDecisionEventTPCnv-00-01-31) * Clean up dictionaries (removing TP converter entries) to optimize ROOT6 header parsing and VMEM consumption * tagging TrigDecisionEventTPCnv-00-01-31
Zach Marshall authored
* Tagging: G4AtlasInterfaces-00-00-09 * Fixing a typo in IDetectorGeometrySvc, ugh.
Edward Moyse authored
* Removed debug statements * ATLASRECTS-1640 * Tagged as xAODTracking-00-13-08 2015-02-10 Nick Styles * Fix for perigees to use tilted surface if tilts available * Tagged as xAODTracking-00-13-07 2015-02-04 Edward.Moyse@cern.ch * Coverity fixes * Tagged as xAODTracking-00-13-06
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* tag 00-00-77 * Use Eigen inverse() routine - more stable, properly fix ATR-10083 * Accidentally left changes out of tag 76 08-Feb-2015 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-75 * Don't return track if any covariance diagonal elements are < 0 * Fix ATR-10079 and ATR-10083 30-Jan-2015 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-74 * Remove obsolete code
Igor Gavrilenko authored
correction for m_fieldmode = "NoField" tag as TRT_DetElementsRoadTool_xk-01-00-09
Igor Gavrilenko authored
2015-02-11 Igor Gavrilenko <Igor.Gavrilenko@cern.ch> correction for m_fieldmode = "NoField" and tag as SiDetElementsRoadTool_xk-01-00-10
Thijs Cornelissen authored
* Fix problem with parsing B-tagging flags * tag as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-72 2015-02-10 Thijs Cornelissen <thijs.cornelissen@cern.ch> * Update B-tagging conditions, fix FileGrepper * tag as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-71
Catrin Bernius authored
* CTPSimulation: Added if statement for ALFA items (ATR-9924) * TrigT1CTP-03-00-58 2015-01-29 Joerg Stelzer * CTPSimulation: protect against nullptr access in DEBUG output * TrigT1CTP-03-00-57
https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
2015-01-16 Riccardo.Maria.Bianchi@cern.ch * added 'batch-mode': if VP1 run with "-b" or "-batch", the main window is not shown and a PNG file is automatically built Details: (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183) * fixed the crash of VP1 at exit 2014-05-30 Riccardo.Maria.Bianchi@cern.ch
Jochen Meyer authored
* tagging MuonDQAUtils-00-03-07 * BOH becoming BME in MuonStrToIntName.cxx * inserting BME in MuonChamberNameConverter.cxx
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
new batch mode and fixed crash when reaching end of input file. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183 and https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-117. (VP1Algs-00-11-00) * added the 'batch mode' command line options ("-batch" and "-b") to share/vp1 and share/vp1.py Details: (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183) * tagged as VP1Algs-00-09-00-branch
https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
* added VP1Msg: messageWarningRed() and prefix_warning() * fixed VP1Msg::messageDebug() output * added 'batch-mode': if VP1 run with "-b" or "-batch", the main window is not shown and a PNG file is automatically built Details: (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-183)
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Updating the name of environment variable required for enabling XRootD fork handlers (AthenaMP-01-02-24) * Updating the name of environment variable required for enabling XRootD fork handlers
Antonio Limosani authored
* Remove tag file output * RecPerfTests-00-08-12 2015-02-04 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT cern.ch> * Change to using Reco_tf * RecPerfTests-00-08-11
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-04 * demote printout 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-03 * fix printout, add chain name histogram 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-02 * fix status codes and instance name setting 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-01 * add factor for base class 2015-02-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-00 * inherit from TrigTestBase 2015-02-06 Benjamin Sowden < benjamin.sowden@cern.ch > ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Anna Sfyrla authored
2015-02-11 Anna Sfyrla * added CTP ID info in L1 result in trigbs_dumpHLTContentInBS.py * TrigByteStreamTools-00-02-20 2015-02-10 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * Switch to CTPExtraWordsFormat from tdaq-common * TrigByteStreamTools-00-02-19 2014-08-28 Tomasz Bold
Michael Christian Rammensee authored
* Testing/TrigP1Test.conf: inclusion of M8Express stream test * test/TrigP1Test_TestConfiguration.xml.autoconf * TrigP1Test-00-05-63 2015-02-10 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * python/BeamSpotUpdate.py: Use CTPExtraFormatWords from tdaq-common (needs TrigByteStreamTools-00-02-19) * TrigP1Test-00-05-62 2015-02-09 Simon George <S.George@rhul.ac.uk> * Testing/TrigP1Test.conf: HLT_physicsV5_L1TopoRoI: raise output level to INFO to work around ATR-10032; add modifier L1TopoCheck to enable monitoring histograms * TrigP1Test-00-05-61 2015-02-09 Michael Rammensee <mrammens@cern> * Testing/TrigP1Test.conf: adapted conditions for menu test * TrigP1Test-00-05-60 2015-02-08 Michael Rammensee <mrammens@cern> * Testing/TrigP1Test.conf: increased number of events in ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Make DSConfigSvc recognize Run2 conditions * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-36 2015-02-05 Joerg Stelzer * Algorithm loading for run 2 database * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-35 * HLTJobOptionSvc: Set config service properties correctly (including new L1TopoConfigSvc)
Bruno Lenzi authored
* EMExtrapolationTools::getMomentumAtVertex for each track * Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-16 2015-02-07 Christos Anastopoulos <Christos.Anastopoulos@cern.ch> * Coverity 29059 * Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-15
Bruno Lenzi authored
* IEMExtrapolationTools::getMomentumAtVertex for each track * tagging as egammaInterfaces-01-00-28 2015-01-30 David Di Valentino <david.di.valentino@cern.ch> * Adding SW/SC overlap tagger interface * tagging as egammaInterfaces-01-00-27
Edward Diehl authored
* Replace BOH references with BME, also add BMG in PhiEtaUtils.h * tagging MuonCalibStandAloneExtraTools-01-00-04 * warning this package will not compile due to including files from MdtCalibData which have Coverity errors and which still use CLHEP for vector operations (should be changed to Eigen).
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrigCaloD3PDMaker-00-02-02. * python/TrigEMClusterD3PDObject.py: Don't crash on slimmed AOD.
Steffen Maeland authored
* In PixelRodEncoder.cxx: fixed link numbers in trailer and hit words * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-28 2015-02-05 Steffen Maeland <steffen.maeland @ cern.ch> * Now logging FE-I4B service records * Updates in error service (need PixelConditionsServices > 00-24-10) * Additional consistency checks, after discussion with FW experts * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-27 * Tagged as PixelRawDataByteStreamCnv-00-02-26
Tim Martin authored
* Support more L1 items. Leave space for 0-600 as index of TrigConfSeq reserved to L1 * Only export HLT configs when needed. Reduce to single line of INFO * ATR-10104 * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-13-00
Tim Martin authored
* Allow more L1 items (bit mask was already big enough, just relax check) * ATR-10106 * Tag TrigMonitoringEvent-00-01-10
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
* ATLASRECTS-1636 * python/EventDensityConfig.py : fix check return code. Thanks to Scott Snyder. * EventShapeTools-00-01-07 2015-02-06 <gemmeren@anl.gov> * Adding dictionary creation for EventDensityTool, probably needed by ROOT6 for python bindings * EventShapeTools-00-01-06 2015-02-07 Christos * Coverity 19601 * EventShapeTools-00-01-05 2015-02-05 <delsart@localhost> * python/EventDensityConfig.py (EventDensityAlg): returns a Recoverable in case of error as per request of ATR-10064 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Graham John Cree authored
* StacoTag.[h,cxx] change to use unique_ptr * tagging as MuonCombinedEvent-01-00-40