- Mar 22, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Mark Sutton authored
Mark Sutton authored
Mark Sutton authored
Mark Sutton authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Ignacio Aracena authored
Dongliang Zhang authored
Mark Sutton authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
- Inclusion of the TrackSelection tool for track selection - Changes requested in the DQ review. - Added some IBL specific plots. (InDetRecExample-02-05-50)
James Frost authored
Carlo Schiavi authored
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
Nguyen Phuong Dang authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Antonio Limosani authored
Matthew Beckingham authored
Alex Kastanas authored
Migration of BeamSpotMonTool to new EDM and updates to TrackMonTool to follow suggestions of the DQ review (InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-09-26)
Tim Martin authored
Mark Sutton authored
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
Carlo Schiavi authored
Mark Sutton authored
David Adams authored
Matthew Beckingham authored
Matthew Beckingham authored
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
Ruggero Turra authored
Matthew Henry Klein authored
Julie Kirk authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Iain Bertram authored
Added new ATN and RTT job to tyhe mc15 suite of tests. RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_noNoise based on RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_no_pileup. Also removed outdated tests mc12_ttbar_noNoise mc12_ttbar_noNoise_Reg mc12_ttbar_latestDBRel mc12_ttbar_no_pileup_leakcheck mc12_ttbar_with_pileup_leakcheck. ATLASSIM-1695. Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-42 (DigitizationTests-01-01-42)
Kazuya Mochizuki authored
Kazuya Mochizuki authored
vsorin authored
Tim Martin authored
Avishek Chatterjee authored