#!/bin/bash # art-description: Trig_reco_tf with current T0 config, EDMCheck on ESD and AOD # art-type: build # art-include: 21.1/AthenaP1 # art-include: 21.1-dev/AthenaP1 # art-include: 21.0/AthenaP1 # art-include: 21.0-TrigMC/AthenaP1 # art-include: master/AthenaP1 # art-include: master/Athena if [ -z ${TEST} ]; then export TEST="TrigP1Test" fi export NAME=Trigreco_mcV8_currentT0 export JOB_LOG="${NAME}.log" timeout 100m trigtest_ART.pl --cleardir --test ${NAME} --rundir ${NAME} --conf TrigP1Test_ART.conf | tee ${JOB_LOG} ATH_RETURN=${PIPESTATUS[0]} echo "art-result: ${ATH_RETURN} ${NAME}" export NAME=TrigEDMCheck_mcV8_currentT0_ESD export JOB_LOG="${NAME}.log" timeout 50m trigtest_ART.pl --cleardir --test ${NAME} --rundir ${NAME} --conf TrigP1Test_ART.conf | tee ${JOB_LOG} ATH_RETURN=${PIPESTATUS[0]} echo "art-result: ${ATH_RETURN} ${NAME}" export NAME=TrigEDMCheck_mcV8_currentT0_AOD export JOB_LOG="${NAME}.log" timeout 50m trigtest_ART.pl --cleardir --test ${NAME} --rundir ${NAME} --conf TrigP1Test_ART.conf | tee ${JOB_LOG} ATH_RETURN=${PIPESTATUS[0]} echo "art-result: ${ATH_RETURN} ${NAME}"