Forked from
atlas / athena
139215 commits behind the upstream repository.
Magda Anna Chelstowska
* Fix syntax error in * Tag InDetRecExample-02-05-87 2015-12-18 Goetz Gaycken (obo Nick Barlow) * Fix monitoring ATN. 2015-12-18 Goetz Gaycken * Allow to express parameters of xAOD TrackParticles wrt. the first primary vertex. This addresses ATLIDTRKCP-64. Requires InDetPriVxFinder-03-00-15. (Port from InDetRecExample-02-05-64-11). 2015-12-15 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas) * Adjusted binning of track numbers in global monitoring. 2015-12-09 Goetz Gaycken (obo Alex Kastanas) * Configure track selection tools used in the indet global monitoring. 2015-12-08 Goetz Gaycken (obo Jordi Duarte-Campderros) * Do not use TRT phase for TRT extension in large d0 tracking. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)