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WIP: Integration of the EventLoaderALiBaVa module into the master branch

Fabian Simon Lex requested to merge ALiBaVaEventLoader into master

Description: The goal of this module is to be able to read data produced by the ALiBaVa readout system into Corryvreckan. Both the binary and the hdf file format produced by ALiBaVa are going to be supported. The raw data is going to be corrected for pedestal, noise, common mode and crosstalk.

Parameters that can be given to the module are the input directory and run number (to identify the input file), the lower and upper timecut (needed due to the way ALiBaVa works), the number of ignored events (to sync the events between ALiBaVa and telescope), the region of interest (to e.g do the analysis for only one of the two chips) and the polarity (as the sign of the signal changes depending on sensor type). Additionally it is going to be possible to give some sort of calibration to the module in order to convert the arbitrary ADC values into charge.

Current status: Eventloader can read in binary files, timecuts, ignored events, ROI and polarity work as expected. Pedestal, noise and common mode correction are working properly. Pixel objects are created with ADC values instead of charge and can be used properly by other modules (e.g. Clustering).

To Do:

  • Test if hdf files are read in correctly
  • Implement crosstalk correction
  • Implement calibration (still unclear in what way)
  • Clean up the third party code for increased readability

Merge request reports