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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • Name
  • Oldest updated
  • Updated date
  • Latest version
  • Oldest version
  • 2.0.108
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.107:
      - Updated CheckerGccPlugins to handle atomics more reliably, and to ignore the unwind.h and XercesC headers;
      - Introduced Finddistro.cmake into AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.107
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.106:
      - Updated AnalysisBaseExternals to use external versions in sync with LCG_100;
        * Introduced simple patches for KLFitter and BAT to make them compatible with ROOT 6.24/00;
        * Upgraded Boost to version 1.75.0;
        * Upgraded HDF5 to version 1.10.6;
        * Upgraded libxml2 to version 2.9.10;
        * Upgraded nlohmann_json to version 3.9.1;
        * Upgraded Cython to version 0.29.21 and pip to version 21.0.1 (both as part of the PyAnalysis package);
        * Upgraded XRootD to version 5.1.1;
          * Building OpenSSL 1.1.1 for XRootD, if it is not available on the build system already;
        * Upgraded ROOT to version 6.24/00.
      - Introduced the PRIVATE_WORKING_DIRECTORY option for atlas_add_test(...);
      - Made FindGaudi.cmake compatible with the latest Gaudi master version.
  • 2.0.106
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.105:
      - Updated triSYCL to a version that works correctly with GCC 10;
      - Added the PyModules and flake8_atlas packages to AthAnalysisExternals;
      - Updated the dictionary building code to work without warnings with Ninja in CMake 3.20+;
      - Updated Acts to version v8.1.0.
  • 2.0.105
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.104:
      - Updated FindSuperchic.cmake to add the Superchic executables to the environment, and set up SUPERCHICPATH in the runtime environment as well;
      - Removed the PACKAGE_VERSION_UQ definition from the compilation commands;
      - Added the ATLAS_PACKAGE_NAME definition to all compilation commands executed in "ATLAS packages";
      - Removed the global setting of the HAVE_64_BITS, __IDENTIFIER_64BIT__ and FVOIDP compiler definitions.
  • 1.0.74
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) in this tag:
      - Taught FindSuperchic.cmake to make the superchic executable, and the SUPERCHICPATH environment variable available in the release's runtime environment.
  • 1.0.73
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) in this tag:
      - Added a fix for a very rare race condition in the build of the PyAnalysis package;
      - Added FindHto4l.cmake and FindProphecy4f.cmake for finding those two MC generators in an LCG release.
  • 2.0.104
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.103:
      - Added FindHto4l.cmake and FindProphecy4f.cmake for finding those two MC generators in an LCG release;
      - Changed the environment to make applications look for LHAPDF files on /cvmfs/ first.
  • 2.0.103
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.102:
      - Modified the include pathes used by atlas_generate_reflex_dictionary(...) not to include the package's header directory specifically.
  • 2.0.102
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.101:
      - Taught atlas_install_python_modules(...) to use when executing the python compilation/testing script;
      - Updated CLHEP to version CLHEP_2_4_1_3_atl02.
  • 2.0.101
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.100:
      - Updated Acts to version v5.0.0;
        * At the same time enabled the build of Fatras as part of Acts.
  • 2.0.100
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.99:
      - Updated FindGeant4.cmake to be compatible with 10.7.X;
      - Updated prmon to version 2.2.0;
      - Added FindApfel.cmake to AtlasLCG;
      - Fixed a mistake in how flake8 tests would be run by atlas_install_python_modules(...).
  • 1.0.72
    Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) in this tag:
      - Made FindCairo.cmake work with >=LCG_92;
      - Stopped the (standalone) HDF5 build from installing PkgConfig files;
      - Switched the yampl build to downloading the source as a tarball instead of getting it from GitHub;
      - Added FindApfel.cmake to AtlasLCG.
  • 2.0.99
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.98:
      - (Slightly) Updated the GeoModel version, and dropped the "old" GeoModel find-modules;
      - Fixed Findnlohmann_json.cmake to add the JSON include directory correctly to $ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH;
      - Updated CLHEP to version CLHEP_2_4_1_3_atl01.
  • 2.0.98
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.97:
      - Removed the installation of the compiled bytecode files for python modules;
      - Multiple updates to FindGeant4.cmake;
        * Made it set a number of more environment variables, as required by Geant4 10.6;
        * Made it possible to pick up the G4 data files from somewhere other than the hardcoded AFS path during build;
      - Updated LWTNN to version 2.11.1;
      - Updated FindGaudi.cmake not to "re-run" in a given context on multiple calls;
      - Multiple updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
  • 2.0.97
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.96:
      - Updated FindGeant4.cmake to add a missing environment variable needed by Geant4 10.6.
  • 2.0.96
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.95:
      - Switched to building all GeoModel libraries from the "new" GeoModel mono-repository;
      - Upgraded CLHEP to version;
      - Upgraded Geant4 to version;
      - Tweaked the linking options on the aarch64 platform.
  • 2.0.95
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.94:
      - Made it possible to use FindGaudi.cmake with a hand-built version of Gaudi;
      - Made it possible to globally change the default timeout of atlas_add_test(...) tests.
  • 2.0.94
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.93:
      - Fixes for GCC 11 in CheckerGccPlugins;
      - Updated the version of histgrinder to 0.1.3;
      - Updated the yampl package to build the external out of a tarball, and not GitHub;
      - Fixed the script to correctly remove .dbg files from -opt packages.
  • 2.0.93
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.92:
      - Made the CPack setup in AtlasCMake work with any build system generator, not just with GNU Make;
      - Cleaned the CLHEP configuration, so that it would use the same build system generator that the main ATLAS project is using;
      - Switched back to deep-copying imported targets in the exported CMake configurations of the ATLAS projects.
  • 2.0.92
    Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena.
    Update(s) since 2.0.91:
      - Modernised the CMake configuration files exported/installed by atlas_project(...);
      - Added Findnumpy.cmake and Findmatplotlib.cmake to AtlasLCG;
      - Fixed the (standalone) build of XRootD on macOS;
      - Added CLHEP and yampl to AthAnalysisExternals.