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draft: constants for reconstruction with unmitigated drift

Florian Reiss requested to merge upgrade/drift-unmitigated into upgrade/master

see (with a fix of a typo for Ry of variation from drift)

Tx [mm] Ty [mm] Tz [mm] Rx [rad] Ry [rad] Rz [rad]
after closing -0.085 -0.392 0.55 -0.00011 0.00021 0.00083
maximum drift 0.025 -0.006 -0.02 0.000017 0.000042 -0.00007
MC constants unmitigated drift = after closing + maximum drift -0.06 -0.398 0.53 -0.000093 0.000252 0.00076

Merge request reports