Marco Clemencic authoredMarco Clemencic authored
Contributing Guidelines
All contributions should be submitted in form of merge requests targeting the branch master. They will be subject to automatic checks run by Gitlab-CI jobs, and they will be reviewed by project maintainers.
We do not use tags, because the LHCb Nightly Builds System will automatically pick up the HEAD commit of the master branch every night around midnight, or whenever a new build of a slot is requested.
Adding a new slot
New slots have to be created in one of the existing Python modules in
the package lhcbnightlyconf
, or in a new module if none of the
existing ones are appropriate. In all cases the new slot must be added
to the conventional list called slots
When a new module is created, make sure the module is imported in the
top level __init__.py
and its slots
list is added to the global
If a new slot is almost identical to an existing one, consider, if not yet done, factoring out the common code in a slot factory function.
Slot factory functions
When multiple slots share a good fraction of the construction code, it
is wise to use a slot factory function, i.e. a function that based on
some parameters can generate the required specific Slot
Slot factory functions must be labeled with the @slot_factory
decorator, for example with something like:
from lb.nightly.configuration import slot_factory, Slot
def make_my_slot(name):
return Slot(name)
Changes to the configuration are automatically validated in a Gitlab-CI job after every push to the repository, but they can also be tested locally.
From the standard LHCb User
Environment one can
just call lbn-check-config
from the top directory of the cloned git
repository. Note that the resulting slot configuration can be inspected
by passing --dump-json slots.json
When the LHCb User Environment is not available, one can prepare a sandboxed environment using uv:
uv run lbn-check-config
This show a minimal example of a module defining a couple of slots:
from lb.nightly.configuration import slot_factory, Slot, Project
def make_my_slot(name, version='master'):
return Slot(name,
projects=[Project('MyProject', version])
slots = [
make_my_slot('slot2', 'HEAD'),
An alternative way of adding slots to the slots
list can be:
from lb.nightly.configuration import slot_factory, Slot, Project
slots = []
def make_my_slot(name, version='master'):
return Slot(name,
projects=[Project('MyProject', version)])
s1 = make_my_slot('slot1')
s2 = make_my_slot('slot2', 'HEAD')
The top level __init__.py
may look like this:
from . import MyModule1
from . import MyModule2
slots = MyModule1.slots + MyModule2.slots