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Disable projects not relevant for ci-test builds

Marco Clemencic requested to merge 32-build-only-ci-test-relevant-projects into master

The rationale is that given a ci-test job using merge requests on a set of projects, we only need to build projects that depends on the modified ones. Because of the way slots work, we have also to build the projects required by all the projects we strictly need. For example, in a dependency graph like:

digraph {
  a -> { b c d }
  { b c } -> e

if we touch b we have to check the impact on b and e, and we also have to build a and c for consistency, but not d.

Note that we apply the reduction only to the -mr slot, because -ref slots might be reused in other ci-test iterations.

Closes #32 (closed)

CC: @rmatev

Merge request reports
