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always build full reference slot for ci-test, closes #103

Christoph Hasse requested to merge chasse_full_ref_slot into master

This should ensure that even when we launch /ci-test --merge --platforms=x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc10-opt we still build all platforms for the reference slot.

This makes more sense as the full reference slot can be reused by following ci-test, and it avoids one particular annoying scenario:

  1. /ci-test --merge
  2. /ci-test --merge --platforms=x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc10-opt
  3. /ci-test --merge

The above scenario needs only 1 full ref test, but currently this will result in 2 full ref builds + 1 ref build for the single platform.

cc: @rmatev

Edited by Christoph Hasse

Merge request reports
