Productions for use in S2Hyperon analysis
This analysis production contains a number of data sets that are needed for the /\S=2 hyperon analysis. A Xi- -> Lambda0 pi- selection, needed for normalisation, is run on the Run 2 incl_b MC, Run 2 BHDARONCOMPLETEEVENT data and the data from the 2023 Charm restripping (this is being redone so as to include more information about the Lambda0 and its daughters). The Lambda0 and KS0 selections are needed for calibration. They are run over the Run 2 incl_b MC, the Run 2 BHADRONCOMPLETEEVENT data and the 2023 restripped Charm data. Note that prescales have been applied in the case of the Lambda0 (0.05) and the Ks0 (0.005) to reduce the rates to manageable levels.
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