Rerun of J/psi CEP for tag-and-probe, v2
The J/psi CEP analysis applied a trigger cut that prevents a proper evaluation of the tag-and-probe efficiencies.
Now allows for long tracks without muon ID.
Two ntuples:
- Jpsi2MuMuLL/DecayTree with 2 long tracks on Hlt2LowMultDiMuon events
- Jpsi2MuMuTP/DecayTree with long, upstream and down tracks on Hlt2LowMultMuon events
In 2016 the CEP data were stripped, while in 2017 and 18 there were dedicated streams.
When creating your merge request:
- Add a label for your WG
- Mark as "Draft:" until you're happy with the CI results
- If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header:
(supersedes !<MR number>)
. Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised
When ready:
- Remove the "Draft:" from the title:
- Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison
To find your working group's DPA/RTA liaison, see this page:
Supersedes !1150 (merged)