Draft: Ntupling Service Request | Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine | dillon.fitzgerald@cern.ch
- Name: Dillon Fitzgerald
- Email: dillon.fitzgerald@cern.ch
- Field of research: Physics (experimental)
- Position: Graduate student
- Experiment: LHCb
- Remarks: Testing the system
Request Details
- Production name: Bs2MuMuLinesBs2JPsiPhiLine
- Reason for request: Need to converge on a dataset of the example ASAP since ours just got added to the blocklist.... :'(
- This production was created through the Ntupling Service: https://gitlab.cern.ch/cernopendata/lhcb-ntupling-service-requests-dev/-/issues/141
- The EOSPUBLIC directory paths to upload outputs to:
- Test production:
- Real production:
- Test production: