Jianqiao/run2 dstars p pb
Modified from previous production !1976 (merged), which has a bug on DecayTreeFitter
D*s reconstruction with:
D*_s+ -> D_s+ gamma (pi0)
Photons are reconstructed from Ecal, electron pairs (LL and DD). Merged and resolved pi0s are both included. Ds candidates are obtained from \textbf{Hlt2CharmHadDs2KKPi\_XSecTurbo} line.
Additional pre-selections are applied:
tracks: 2<\eta<5, p_{\mathrm{T}}>400 \mathrm{MeV}, \chi^2/\mathrm{ndof}<3, \mathrm{ProbNNghost}<0.3
D_s^+: \chi^2(\mathrm{VD})>50, \chi^2/\mathrm{ndof}(\mathrm{vtx})<10
\gamma: p_\mathrm{T}>350 \mathrm{MeV},\mathrm{CL}>0.7(ECAL)
Edited by Jianqiao Wang