Draft: Validation of IFT end of year re-sprucing
Validation test to check the IFT lines in the 2024 end of year re-sprucing campaign (https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-dpa/project/-/issues/341#note_8753085).
Testing/checks will be done through the AP CI, i.e. this AP will not actually be merged and produced
Items/lines to check:
Isolated photon sprucing lines -> present in the re-spruced data (only for MagnetDown because the MagnetUp test file corresponds to a run before the HLT2 isolated photon lines were merged). The pT spectra correspond to the respective pT cuts in the lines, as expected. -
Persistency of photon (in Ds line) and proton containers (in charm lines) - this is working. The containers are persisted and we can reconstruct Ds*+ candidates from the Ds+ line (using Ds+ and persisted photon container) and Lc candidates from the D0 line (using persisted pions, kaons and proton containers) -
MB re-sprucing is fine -
Standard channels (J/psi, D0, Lambda etc.) look good - this is just a sanity check as these lines were not modified for the re-sprucing
Edited by Kara Mattioli