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misID for Asfs Run 2

Nicole Skidmore requested to merge nskidmor-As_fs_Run2_misID into master

MC tuples for misID background for the measurement of the CP asymmetry of Bs->Dspi decays in Run 2

Analysis motivation

The CP-asymmetry of Bs->Dspi decays is sensitive to general new physics contributions to tree-level hadronic decays. The time-integrated, untagged CP-asymmetry of Bs->Dspi is measured using the LHCb Run 2 dataset.

What is run


Run 2 years on Bs->DsK, KKpi, 13264031 event type. Not using the same stripping as data (these are MC filtered requests) however we only need to look at relative efficiencies signal and misID backgound.

year evttype sim version stripping
2016 13264031 Sim09h S28r1
2017 13264031 Sim09h S29r2
2018 13264031 Sim09h S34

cc @jagoodin @jedavies @cofitzpa

Edited by Nicole Skidmore

Merge request reports