[QEE] Electroweak Tupling job on Comm23 Hlt2 stream.
Tupling over the Full and Turbo-stream output of the Comm23 data currently available (~40 fb^-1 I believe).
Creates a Tree per selection, based on the following dictionary:
selection_to_hlt2line = {
"Z": "Hlt2QEE_ZToMuMu",
"ZMuID": "Hlt2QEE_ZToMuMu_SingleNoMuID",
"Wp": "Hlt2QEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
"Wm": "Hlt2QEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
"Jpsi_Detached": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Detached",
"Jpsi_Prompt": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Prompt",
"U1S": "Hlt2QEE_Upsilon1SToMuMu"
Per selection, generates some simple variables to propagate into the ew-analyses repository. (See: https://gitlab.cern.ch/LHCb-QEE/ew-analyses/-/wikis/Run3-Framework).
Expect the electroweak-samples (Z, ZMuID, Wp, Wm) to not fire in the test sample due to low rate, roughly expect O(100)s real Z events. Expect the qOnia samples (Jpsi_Det., Jpsi_Pr., U1S) to have a higher rate than the electroweak samples so maybe we see that in the tests.
Edited by Luke Grazette