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WW Production Run 2 XSec MC Truth-Level Tupling. (DFDY Background)

Gabriel Matthew Nowak requested to merge ganowak-DFDYEvents into master

GaudiPython DaVinci script for getting truth level information out of MC files for the Run 2 p p -> W+ W- -> l+ l- vu_l ~vu_l cross-section analysis. This AnalysisProduction can be used to analyze signal (W+W- -> l+ l-) and background (t tbar -> b ~b l+ l-, tau+ tau- -> v_tau ~v_tau l+ l-) processes.

The previous AP ran over ttbar and WW MC files. This version runs over DFDY MC files and a bug fix was introduced from the last version.

Supersedes !625 (merged)

Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
