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[QEE] EW Tupling on 'Physics' 2023 v2: Adds ZSameSign and several variables

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-ewAP-2023-v2 into master

Tupling over the Spruced 2023 data. This corresponds to Jul7th-9th [~40 fb-1] + Coll23 [~40 fb-1] data. Both Turbo and Full QEE streams.

(Part of the Run3 ew-analyses framework development: see Wiki ).

Based mostly on [AP!699] the previous iteration of this. Include changes to tupling performed in [AP!709] which tupled exp23 MC.

Changes from previous version

New DV version: - v63r13p1 -> v63r14 (allows Hlt2TisTos).
New DecayTree: - SpruceQEE_DiMuonSameSign.
New Variables:

  • Trchi2ndof
  • HCalEoP (->To generate HcalET = HCalE/cosh(eta) )
  • Hlt2TisTos on Hlt2QEE_[ZToMuMu, SingleHighPtMuon, ZToMuMu_SingleNoMuID] for Full-stream tuples only.


Attempts to build the following decaytress dependent on stream.

TurboPass = { # Name : Input Line
    "Jpsi_Detached": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Detached",
    "Jpsi_Prompt": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Prompt",
    "U1S": "Hlt2QEE_Upsilon1SToMuMu"
Full_stream = {
    "Z": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu",
    "ZMuID": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_SingleNoMuID",
    "Wp": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "Wm": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "ZSS": "SpruceQEE_DiMuonSameSign"


  • Verify test looks reasonable

**Supersedes [AP!699] entirely. **

Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports