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ReDecay: modified post config action fixes

Dominik Muller requested to merge dmuller/redecay-config-fixes into master

Added Gauss/ to correctly configure FullGenEventCutTool for the instance of Generation used in the ReDecay part. Removed Gauss/ as the fix is included in Gauss since v49r8. Still applying it might eventually be harmful.

Question: While this new fix does absolutely nothing for probably 99% of all use-cases, accidentally missing it in cases where it is needed (i.e. when a FullGenEventCutTool is used) are difficult to detect as Gauss won't crash and happily produce incorrect events. I am wondering whether it might be easier for the user or the person creating the steps for production if all potential fixes are included via

from Gaudi.Configuration import importOptions

within the files activating ReDecay: $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/, $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/, and $APPCONFIGOPTS/Gauss/ as the fix can eventually be removed once integrated into Gauss.

Merge request reports