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v6r1 map with translation and rotations applied to magnet, no scale factor

Aravindhan Venkateswaran requested to merge run3_baseline_map_testing into master

It is seen during validation with data that the mar_2024_master_5_translated_rotated map performs better than the baseline mar_2024_master_3 map in terms of VELO-T matching and the z translations needed for trackers during alignment. The translations and rotations applied to the magnet in the simulation (obtained from a fit to measured field values) are: shift by (-1.2548, 0.1517, -1.6069) cm in x, y, z
(total length 2.0444 cm) rotate around xyz by (phi=-2.6559e-03, theta=1.7863e-03, psi=-4.5134e-05) rad (total angle 3.2011e-03 rad) around the pivot (0.0, 0.0, 4.3158).

This has been chosen as the nominal map (superseding mar_2024_master_3 aka v6r0) to be deployed in data taking post technical stop

@rmatev @freiss @mfontana @mbachmay @fhblanc @bimitres

Edited by Aravindhan Venkateswaran

Merge request reports
