Fix B0 decay files for Sim10
There is a larger number of decay files that fail in Sim10. Some of them are simple issues but there are some which require a deeper look. The list of B0 decay files failing is:
11496402 Bd_DpXcIncl,Kpi,3piIncl=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166720 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0pi0,KSpipi=TightCut,NoNeutralCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166401 Bd_Dstpipipipi0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11508000 Bd_Ksttautau,3pi3pi=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11466410 Bd_D0Kpi,4h=cocktail,5hinAcc.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11494601 Bd_excitedDstDsX,Ds2Xa1=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11364400 Bd_Dst-3pipi0,3pipi0=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 8 -
11511001 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/cvmfs/' 0 -
11574084 Bd_Dmunu,Kstenu=VisibleInAcceptance,HighVisMass.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 4 -
11166443 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0pi0,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP100.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 2 -
11110008 Bd_Ksttautau,3pimu=DecProdCut,TightCut,tauolacleo.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11144009 Bd_Jpsirho0,mm,oneMuonInAcc=TightCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166103 Bd_D0Kst,KSpipi=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166050 Bd_D0Kst,pipipipi=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11493300 Bd_DsX,KSK=cocktail,TightCut,ACPKKCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166245 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0gamma,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP010.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11166247 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0gamma,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP001.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11166122 Bd_D0rho0,KSpipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11196411 Bd_Dst0D0Kpi,D0pi0,Kpi,PHSP=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166320 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0gamma,KSpipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166116 Bd_D0Kst,KSKK=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut,LooserCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11100019 Bd_Ksttautau,3pi3pi=DecProdCut,TightCut,tauolacleointricate.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166710 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0pi0,KSKK=TightCut,NoNeutralCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11196620 Bd_Dst0Dst0Kst0,D0pi0,D0gamma,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166447 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0pi0,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP001.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 2 -
11166243 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0gamma,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP100.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11196420 Bd_Dst0Dst0Kst0,D0pi0,D0pi0,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11512004 Bd_K+pi-,mm=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11142411 Bd_JpsiKS,mmpi0pi0=OnePi0ReqInAcc.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166520 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0pi0,KSpipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11196621 Bd_Dst0Dst0Kpi,D0pi0,D0gamma,PHSP=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11366400 Bd_Dstomegapi,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11102521 Bd_KSpi0=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11134011 Bd_JpsiKst,pp=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166052 Bd_D0Kst,KKpipi=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166113 Bd_D0Kst,KSKK=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166104 Bd_D0Kst,KSpipi=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11124005 Bd_Kstee,phsp=DecProdCut,TightCut150MeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11566430 Bd_Dststtaunu,tau3pi,Dst+=cocktail,TightCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166163 Bd_D0rho0,KSKK=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166321 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0gamma,KSpipi=TightCut,NoNeutralCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11198020 Bd_DstDstKst0,D0Pi,D0Pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166056 Bd_D0rho0,pipipipi=PHSP,DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 6 -
11196083 Bd_DstD,D0KK=DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11493220 Bd_DsX,KKpi=cocktail,TightCut,ACPKKCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166055 Bd_D0Kst,pipipipi=PHSP,DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11112411 Bd_KSmumu,pi0pi0=OnePi0ReqInAcc.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166106 Bd_D0Kst,KSpipi=B-SVS,D-PHSP,TightCut,LooserCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11364401 Bd_Dsta1,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11104522 Bd_etaKs,pi+pi-pi0=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11110009 Bd_Ksttautau,3pimu=DecProdCut,TightCut,tauolacleointricate.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11196410 Bd_Dst0D0Kst0,D0pi0,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11514000 Bd_Ksttautau,mumu=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166310 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0gamma,KSKK=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11104090 Bd_Kpipipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11166510 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0pi0,KSKK=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11198010 Bd_DstD,D0K3pi,Dkpipi=CPV,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11964100 Bd_D0X,KSKK=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876121 Bd_Dstmunu,KSpipi=cocktail,hqet,TightCut,LooserCuts,BRcorr1.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11496002 Bd_Dst+D0KX=TightCuts,mD0D0.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11124006 Bd_Kstee,phsp=DecProdCut,TightCut450MeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 5 -
11896602 Bd_D1Dsst,Dstpi0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876131 Bd_Dstmunu,KSKK=cocktail,hqet,TightCut,LooserCuts,BRcorr1.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11574085 Bd_Denu,Kstmunu=VisibleInAcceptance,HighVisMass.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 4 -
11166054 Bd_D0rho0,Kpipipi=PHSP,DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11896400 Bd_D2stDs,Dstpi0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11774004 Bd_DstX,cocktail,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11442012 Bd_JpsiX,mm=JpsiLeptonInAcceptance.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166123 Bd_D0rho0,KSpipi=TightCut,LooserCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11104512 Bd_etapKs,etapipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11698403 Bd_DstD0Kst,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876132 Bd_Dstmunu,KSKK=cocktail,hqet,TightCut,LooserCuts2,BRcorr1.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166105 Bd_DstPi,D0pi,KsKs=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11104312 Bd_etapKs,pi+pi-g=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11494600 Bd_DstDsX,Ds2Xa1=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11198021 Bd_DstDstKpi,D0Pi,D0Pi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11876125 Bd_D0munu,KSpipi=cocktail,hqet,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 4 -
11698402 Bd_DstDst0Kst,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11268110 Bd_Dst-pipipi,D0pi-,KSpipi=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 9 -
11168000 Bd_Dstpipipipipi,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11584022 Bd_Denu,Kstenu=VisibleInAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenDecayWithCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11698401 Bd_DstDstK0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876400 Bd_D0pimunu,4h=cocktail,mu4hinAcc.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 3 -
11876070 Bd_D0pitaunu,tau_mu,D0_4h=cocktail,mu4hinAcc.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11364410 Bd_Dst-omegapi,3pipi0=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 6 -
11896603 Bd_DstDs1,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11774005 Bd_DstX,cocktail,D0pi,KK=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876133 Bd_Dstmunu,KSKK=res,cocktail,hqet,TightCut,LooserCuts2,BRcorr1.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11584030 Bd_Dst+enu=PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166502 Bd_DstPi,D0pi,Kspipipi0=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 6 -
11574090 Bd_Dst+munu=PHSP,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11716000 Bd_Ksttautau,3pimu=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11896600 Bd_D2stDsst,Dstpi0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11196412 Bd_Dst0DstK,D0pi0,Kpi,PHSP=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11873042 Bd_D0Xmunu,D0=cocktail,TightCut,ForB2RhoMuNu.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 6 -
11995204 Bd_DD,DD=cocktail,D+muRDplusCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876130 Bd_Dstmunu,KSKK=cocktail,hqet,TightCut,BRcorr1.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 9 -
11896406 Bd_DstDst0K,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11196002 Bd_D+D-,Kpipi,KKpi=CPV,DDALITZ,DecProdCut,pCut1600MeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 139 1 -
11496400 Bd_D0XcIncl,Kpi,3piIncl=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11196421 Bd_Dst0Dst0Kpi,D0pi0,D0pi0,PHSP=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11584021 Bd_Denu,Kstenu=VisibleInAcceptance,HighVisMass.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 2 -
11698000 Bd_DstDKst0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11996413 Bd_excitedDstXc,Xc2hhhNneutrals_cocktail,upto5prongs=DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11774110 Bd_D+X,KSpi=cocktail,TightCut,ACPKKCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11698400 Bd_DstDstKst0,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11442013 Bd_JpsiX,mm,HighMass=JpsiLeptonInAcceptance.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11896404 Bd_DstDs,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11876062 Bd_Dstmunu,Kpipipi=cocktail,hqet,PhSp,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11166311 Bd_Dst0rho0,D0gamma,KSKK=TightCut,NoNeutralCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11576010 Bd_Dmunu,Kst0a1,Kpipipipi=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11896604 Bd_DstDsst,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11576020 Bd_Dpimunu,a1,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11166114 Bd_D0Kst,KSKK=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11100018 Bd_Ksttautau,3pi3pi=DecProdCut,TightCut,tauolacleo.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11995201 Bd_DD,DD=cocktail,D+muTightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11774006 Bd_DstX,cocktail,D0pi,pipi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11896612 Bd_DstXc,Xc2hhhNneutrals,upto5prongs=DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11522022 Bd_pienu=TightCut,M4.5GeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 4 -
11198080 Bd_DDKpi,Kpipi=TightCut,mKpiCut850MeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with LoKi cut tool selects particle(s) that it does not apply cuts to 10 -
11898400 Bd_DstDprimes1,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11995202 Bd_DD,DD=cocktail,DsmuTightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11896403 Bd_DstDs0st,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11512003 Bd_pi+pi-,mm=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11166053 Bd_D0Kst,Kpipipi=PHSP,DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 2 -
11396001 Bd_DstD,D0Kpi,Dkhh=DecProdCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 0 -
11166445 Bd_Dst0Kst0,D0pi0,Kpipipi=DecProdCut,HELAMP010.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 1 -
11995200 Bd_DD,DD=cocktail,D0muTightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11896407 Bd_DstD0K,D0pi,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11576500 Bd_Dstmunu=cocktail,D0_KSpipipi0=TightCut,PHSP.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11774010 Bd_D+X,Kpipi=cocktail,TightCut,ACPKKCuts.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11466400 Bd_D03piX,Kpi=TightCut.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 1 0 -
11512012 Bd_pimunu=DecProdCut,M4.5GeV.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode -15 2 -
11536015 Bd_DstTauNu=DecProdCut,pythiaplus.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 139 1 -
11536016 Bd_DstTauNu=DecProdCut,pythiaminus.dec ERROR:root:job failed with retcode 139 1
Tests are done using the same script as in GitLab CI, besides event type and a nickname I tried to list some info on what happened with the last number being the number of events generated in the test job. Full output is available in the tarball at Anybody is welcome to fix a few of these at a time. When doing so, please mark them in the list.
Edited by Yunxuan Song