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Add dkfile for tau->3pipi0 in B->K*taue

Tommaso Fulghesu requested to merge tfulghes/b2ksttaue-tauto3pipi0-Run2 into master

Added decfile for channel T8 of B->K*taue, with hadronic tau decays into 3pi+pi0.

Some generation cuts are added: K_PT>220 MeV, Pi_PT>220 MeV, e_PT>250 MeV, E_P>2 GeV, 0.005<THETA<0.400) + PARTICLES IN ACCEPTANCE

The evaluated efficiency after the test on 11123400 is: ( 6.94444 +- 2.99587 )%

Edited by Tommaso Fulghesu

Merge request reports
