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Draft: RX MC Request p1

Stephan Escher requested to merge sescher_rx_mcrequest_p1 into master

DecFiles for the fist part of the RX MC request containing

  • B\to K^\pm\pi^\mp\gamma eventtype: 11102263, model : phsp
  • B\to K^\pm\pi^\mp\pi^\pm\gamma via K1(1270) eventtype: 12203230, model: LbAmpGen, noPhotos (requires Gauss v49r21 or higher)
  • \Lambda_b\to pK^-\gamma eventtype: 15102212, model: phsp
  • B^\pm\to K^\pm\pi^0\gamma with \pi^0\to\gamma\gamma eventtype: 12101601, model: phsp
  • B^\pm\to K^\pm\pi^0\gamma with \pi^0\to ee\gamma eventtype: 12123601, model: phsp, PI0_DALITZ

each K has a pt > 225 MeV applied, all charged long tracks and the photon from the beauty are required to be in acceptance

DecFiles have all been tested successfully

Edited by Stephan Escher

Merge request reports
