Adding three new dec files for the doubly charmed baryons with Xic+ resonance model
- two dec files for the Xicc+ with Xic+ resonance included:
- 26165854 - all Xic+ decay through pK*(892)~0 (for the additional MC request since we already have sample without the resonance included)
- 26165855 - Xic+ decay to pK-pi+ and to pK*(892)~0 (for all future MC requests)
- one dec file for the Omegacc+ with Xic+ resonance included:
- 26165856 - Xic+ decays to pK-pi+ and to pK*(892)~0
Please notice that EventType does not exactly match the event type numbering convention since the neutral flag should be set to 0 instead of 8 - however we run out of EventType numbers for this case so this approach (set neutral flag to 8 instead of 0) was agreed with Gauss managers some time ago.