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Mengzhen Wang requested to merge mengzhen/Lb2LcpipiMuNu_Lc2LambdaPi into master

This MR is to add a decfile for Lb->LcPiPiMuNu decay, with Lc->LambdaPi process.

The Lb SL decay node is modelled considering several LcPiPi and LcPi intermediate states.

The test using looks good:

Opening decfile.............................................DONE
Checking for Unix EOF.......................................DONE
Now parsing: EventType......................................DONE
Eventtype found: 15676100
Now parsing: Descriptor.....................................DONE
Now parsing: NickName.......................................DONE
Now parsing: Cuts...........................................DONE
Now parsing: Documentation..................................DONE
Now parsing: PhysicsWG......................................DONE
Now parsing: Tested.........................................DONE
Now parsing: Responsible....................................DONE
Now parsing: Email..........................................DONE
Now parsing: Date...........................................DONE
Now parsing: CPUTime........................................DONE
End of header.
Found decay: Lambda_b0sig
Found decay: MyLambda_c(2593)+
Found decay: MyLambda_c(2625)+
Found decay: MySigma_c0
Found decay: MySigma_c++
Found decay: MyLambda0
Found decay: MyLambda_c+
File parsed successfully.
Checking for CPU time field.................................DONE
Checking general flag.......................................DONE
Checking selection flag.....................................DONE
Unfolding decay.............................................DONE
Checking the decay flag.....................................DONE
Checking charm and lepton flag..............................DONE
Checking track flag.........................................DONE
Checking neutrals flag......................................DONE
Checking charge conjugation for aliased particles...........DONE
Getting The Interwebs.......................................DONE
Checking the extra and user for duplicity and funky stuff...DONE
Eventtype constructed: 1567610X
Checking nickname...........................................DONE
Checking the Physics WG.....................................DONE
Building descriptor.........................................DONE
Checking descriptor.........................................DONE

A generator-level Gauss job is processed using a decay descriptor of [Lambda_b0 ==> ^(Lambda_c+ ==> ^(Lambda0 ==> ^p+ ^pi- ) ^pi+) {X} {X} ^mu- ^nu_mu~ ^pi+ ^pi-]CC. In total 4960 events are required to generate, and 4962 events are seen in the output root file. Should not be too worrying considering the large BF of the signal decay process (4 might from the companion b).

Some kinematic distributions of charged final-state particles are documented below. The geometry acceptance is successfully applied for all of them. For pions (except for piminus0 which is from Lambda decay and might generate a T-track), a momentum cut of larger than 2GeV is also applied (in offline selection we will require momentum larger than 2.6GeV to be above the RICH threshold).












Several local jobs are submitted. Each job contains 40 events. The timing information is attached:

1260_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 42.8[min]                                             #=  1
1261_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 43.7[min]                                             #=  1
1262_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 35.7[min]                                             #=  1
1263_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 39.7[min]                                             #=  1
1264_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot= 52.8[min]                                             #=  1
1265_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=   47[min]                                             #=  1
1266_15676100.log:ChronoStatSvc              INFO Time User   : Tot=   47[min]                                             #=  1

Time per event is about 1min on average.

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

Merge request reports
