add a decay file for the B2chic0pK decay, chic0->ppbar, KK, pipi
We plan to add a decay file to study the decay B02chic0pK, and chic0 decays to K+K-, pi+pi- or ppbar final states:
11334050, Bd_chic0Kpi,chic0=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec
This decay file has been tested locally using Gauss v49r11, DaVinci v41r2, both under gcc49, and the ntuple file can be generated as expected.
The decay file is checked with the
script. The only warining message is about hte decay descriptor:
suggest us to change 'chi_c0(1P)' in the decay descriptor to 'chi_c0', but we find that in many other B2chicXX decfiles, it's 'chi_c0(1P)' in the decay descriptor, so we just keep using it.
The eventtype is checked again, especially for the extra flag. We find no decfile sharing the first seven digis as our decfile(11334050).