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New dec files for dst -> dee decays

Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi requested to merge cacochat/new_dst_to_dee into Sim10


These are three dec files destinated to generate the MC signal for trigger lines development in order to study the trigger efficiency of HLT2 trigger lines with a dielectron pair in their final states. These lines were recently merged in lhcb/Moore!2207 (merged). Tight cuts are not chosen due to the interest to reconstruct soft electrons, as well as to test their reconstruction efficiency at low momentum. The dec files were tested and the tuples were produced locally.


  1. D*0 -> D0 e+ e- with D0 -> K- pi+ ---------> Dst0_D0ee,Kpi=DecProdCut.dec
  2. D*0 -> D0 e+ e- with D0 -> K- pi- pi+ pi+ ----> Dst0_D0ee,Kpipipi=DecProdCut.dec
  3. Ds*+ -> D(s)+ e+ e- with D(s)+ -> K- K+ pi+ ----> Dsstp_Dspee,KKpi=DecProdCut.dec

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Edited by Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi

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