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Lb2LcSt(2860,2880,2940)ellnu decays for Lb2L1520mue Analysis

Dan Thompson requested to merge dathomps/LcStBGsForLb2L1520mue into master

These are new decfiles with the final state pK\ell\ell for the Lb2L1520mue analyses. Made to potentially test the different kinematics when looking at \Lambda_c^{*+}(2860,2880,2940) resonances rather than the non-resonant Lb2D0pellnu that already exists.

The overall decay chain is: \Lambda^0_b \rightarrow \Lambda_c^{*+}(2860,2880,2940)(\rightarrow D^0(\rightarrow K^-\ell^{(')+}\nu_{\ell^{(')}})p^+)\ell^{-}\nu_{\ell}, with the following event type assignment:

Name EventType
Lb_Lc2860enu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15584084
Lb_Lc2860enu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574097
Lb_Lc2860munu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574087
Lb_Lc2860munu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574084
Lb_Lc2880enu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15584085
Lb_Lc2880enu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574098
Lb_Lc2880munu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574088
Lb_Lc2880munu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574085
Lb_Lc2940enu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15584086
Lb_Lc2940enu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574099
Lb_Lc2940munu,D0p,Kenu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574088
Lb_Lc2940munu,D0p,Kmunu=LHCbAcceptance,HighVisMass,EvtGenCut.dec 15574086

While for the analysis in question, we only need the emu/mue versions, the mumu and ee versions were made for completeness.

Note on Issue found in Analogue DecFiles

These models use the Lb2Baryonlnu model and work from the analogues made for the D0->Kpi mode in !1144 . In investigating this model however we noticed that there is a mistake with the \bar{\Lambda_c^{*+}} decay width in the Lc2940 decay file where it is set to 68 MeV when the PDG value is 20 MeV. I've fixed the mistake for my decfiles and the SL sim liason (@jnovoafe) has been informed and since there is a production of this mode in the bk, I have not fixed the mistake at this point in time. The decfile were merged before by @xliang .

Merge request reports
