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New decfile for lfv mode D0->tau e with ADDITIONAL generator level cuts (L0KI)

Michele Atzeni requested to merge matzeni/dst2d0pi2taue23pi into Sim10

New decfile to study the feasibility of doing a search of the LFV channel D0-> tau e. With respect to !1535 (merged) it was decided to introduce some additional cuts on the PT of the final states and to the PT and P of the D0. This was done to increase the reconstruction efficiency of the 5 body final state.

This MC is fundamental to tune some of the selections applied in the stripping line that we are trying to merge (see lhcb/Stripping!1786 (merged) (merged)). Notice that the Decay Flag is kept coherent with dkfiles/Dst_D0pi,mue=LooseCut and !1535 (merged) .

Edited by Michele Atzeni

Merge request reports
