Added DecFiles for polarised MC for Bd2DstDst decays including CP violation. Multiple DecFiles have been created for multiple D0 final states. The helicity amplitudes are taken from Belle. Multiple D0 final states are required to the studies for angular acceptance effects for the individual final states.
Added DecFiles for polarised MC for Bs2DstDst decays without CP violation to be able to validate the angular-dependent fit for extraxting the helicity amplitudes. Multiple DecFiles have been created for multiple D0 final states. The helicity amplitudes are are the Bd2DstDst helicity amplitudes, which are used since the Bs2DstDst helicity amplitudes are not measured yet and the hierachy of the amplitudes should be similar to Bd2DstDst. Multiple D0 final states are required to the studies for angular acceptance effects for the individual final states.
All DecFiles have been tested locally and work. The only cuts required in all DecFiles are that the decay products have to lie in the detector acceptance. The reason is that angular acceptance studies will be performed with the MC and no additional acceptance/efficiency effects are wanted. This would also follow the strategy of already existing MC for those decay channels.