add gen level cuts to Xb2LLpbar decfiles
GenLevel cuts were added to the following four decfiles, they have already been released but no samples have been requested, thus, I want to modify the existing files instead of creating new ones.
I am not 100% sure how to handle the name of the decfiles, currently they have the =DecProdCut ending, which is of course incorrect now, can I rename them?
Regarding the pipeline, the check-decfile fails due to wrong name, what I dont understand is the run-gauss stage fails due to time-out after 1020 s . When I produce 10 events on lxplus it takes roughly 700 seconds. @nqin how should I proceed with this? -> For completeness, the decision was to rename the decfiles and increase CPU time field for the concerned decfiles
Edited by Ellinor Eckstein