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Decay files for charmonia and B-mesons to lstlst

Vsevolod Yeroshenko requested to merge vyeroshe/ccbar_lstlst into master

Here I push the decay files for charmonia to Lst Lstbar (J/psi, chi_c0, psi(2S) already exist) and B(s)0 to Lst Lstbar.

  • h_c is constructed from chi_c0 (production model doesn't exist and event generation takes literally ages) with mass and width from latest PDG average
  • psi2(3823) is constructed from psi(2S) (doesn't exist in the table) with mass from PDG average and width is set on the current UL. The UL is 2.9 MeV and the resolution at this mass should be around 8 MeV, so the slight changes in width aren't so important.
  • psi3(3842) is constructed from psi(2S) (doesn't exist in the table) with mass and width from PDG
  • X(3872) is consctructed from chi_c1 (exists in a weird form) since the quantum numbers should be the same as chi_c1 and that one is fairly well measured.

Hence, the list includes: chi_c1(1P), h_c(1P), chi_c2(1P), eta_c(2S), psi(3770), psi2(3823), psi3(3842), X(3872), B0, Bs

All of them have the same cuts as the original dkfiles for consistency.

@mengzhen @lcapriot @gromolin @nqin

Merge request reports
