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Add EmbeddedGeneration to prompt Jpsi and psi2S in Sim10

Qiuchan Lu requested to merge prompt_psi2s_Embeded into Sim10

We noticed the CPU time of psi2S(28142001) in BeamGas+BeamBeam EmbeddedGeneration (tested in exp-24 pAr) takes quite long, about 20 mins per events. We have done some studies, and agree that Psi2S takes more CPU time than Jpsi in the same collision system, because of lower branching fraction of psi2s->mumu than Jpsi->mumu(~10 times lower).

We also realised that generating the prompt psi2s(28112001) will save half of CPU time in our case, at least it improves.

However, the SpecialGeneration: EmbeddedGeneration is missing in the prompt Jpsi and psi2S decfile, we would like to add it and release in Sim10 branch, so as to produce psi2S samples in Run3 SMOG collision.

Please feel free to look at the CPU time testing in different collision types in below comments.

Merge request reports