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Added 2 decfiles. Exploration of low-branching modes of eta(') for phi_s measurement.

Maximilien Chefdeville requested to merge chefdevi/my-changes into master

Decfiles for decays Bs -> Jpsi eta[pipigamma] (13144213) and Bs -> Jpsi eta'[gg] (13142212). Succesfully passed Gauss and DaVinci tests.

Complain from decparser on neutral flag of 13144213 requiring 4 (at least one pi02gg or one eta2gg) instead of 2 (at least one gamma not from pi02gg or eta2gg, nor a radiative photon). To my opinion, it should be 2.

If the next release is today 2pm, it would be nice if the files make it through.

Best regards,


Merge request reports
