Adding mass/lifetime and background modes for Multimuon searches
Need: Extrapolate searches to lifetimes/mass maps and include peaking background modes for Multimuon searches. Avoid masses falling within phi, jpsi and psi(2S) windows. Signal Files for Original
- B4mu a) mass:[0.25, 0.40], lifetimes:[0,1,10,100,1000]
- B4muK b) mass:[0.25, 0.40], lifetimes:[0,1,10,100,1000] c) B4muK phase space
- B6mu a) mass:[1, 2.5], lifetimes:[1,10,100] b) B26mu and Bs26mu phase space
- B6muK a) mass:[1.0, 2.5] ,lifetimes:[0,1,10,100] b) B26muK phase space
Extra -> Re-requesting existing B4mu with Bs instead of B0
- B4mu a) mass:[1.75, 3.00] ,lifetimes:[0,1,10,100,1000]
- BJpsimmKKK
- BmmpipiK
- BJpsietammmmgK