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Adding decfiles for D2PiPi0 analysis to fix incorrect arrow type in gen level cuts

Tom Hadavizadeh requested to merge thadaviz/fixArrowsforD2PiPi0 into master

Adding 16 decfiles for the D2PiPi0 analysis with the correct arrow (=>) type. The decparser complains the eeg decfiles should have the neutral flag 4 instead of 2, however I believe it should be 2 as the gamma doesn't come from a pi0->gg or eta-> gg decay. Additionally, for some reason the decparser complains that TightCut isn't in the nickname.

Text added to release.notes:

! 2019-01-09 - Tom Hadavizadeh   
   Added 16 decay files 
      + 21123203 : D+_pi+pi0,eeg=TightCut3.dec 
      + 21123231 : D+_K+pi0,eeg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 21123240 : D+_pi+eta,eeg=TightCut3 
      + 21123211 : D+_K+eta,eeg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 23123210 : Ds_pi+pi0,eeg=TightCut2.dec 
      + 23123203 : Ds_K+pi0,eeg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 23123231 : Ds_pi+eta,eeg=TightCut2.dec 
      + 23123230 : Ds_K+eta,eeg=TightCut2.dec      
      + 21101402 : D+_pi+pi0,gg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 21101421 : D+_K+pi0,gg=TightCut2.dec 
      + 21101411 : D+_pi+eta,gg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 21101431 : D+_K+eta,gg=TightCut2.dec 
      + 23101402 : Ds_pi+pi0,gg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 23101421 : Ds_K+pi0,gg=TightCut2.dec 
      + 23101411 : Ds_pi+eta,gg=TightCut2.dec  
      + 23101431 : Ds_K+eta,gg=TightCut2.dec 
   This new set of decay files changes the generator level cut descriptor arrows from '->' to '=>' and modified the associated event types. 

Merge request reports
