Add 16 decay files for Pc(4312)+, Pc(4440)+ and Pc(4457)+ decay to Jpsi p+, Zc(3900)+, Zc(4200)+,…
Add 16 decay files fo Pc(4312)+, Pc(4440)+ and Pc(4457)+ decay to Jpsi p+, Zc(3900)+, Zc(4200)+, Zc(4430)+ decay to Jpsi pi+, Sigma_c+ is used for all the charged particles. X(4160), X(4350) decay to Jpsi phi, eta_c(1S) is used for the neutral X. The prompt and b-decay processes are considered. All decays are generated in PHSP model with daughters in LHCb acceptance.
Edited by Qingnian Xu