add BtoHNL and BtoDarkBoson modes with a Long track and two T-tracks in final state
Include decfiles for three BSM channels: Dark Boson B+->K+H'(-> mu mu), B0->K*H'(-> mu mu) and HNL B+->mu+ N'(->mu+ pi-).
There are two LLP lifetimes for each channel (3 ns and 16 ns) and 5 masses (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 GeV). These are required in order to interpolate over the whole range of accessible lifetimes and masses for searches with T tracks.
The LLP is required to be in angular acceptance, but no other cuts are applied.
Available slots for eventtype numbers are running out, to fix this issue the neutral flag has been set to 9 for all the decfiles in this MR with increasing user flag
Edited by Izaac Sanderswood