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BugFix of DECfiles: The incorrect arrows for the DecayDescriptor in the tool tightCut.Decay result…

David Gerick requested to merge dgerick/DECfile_bugfix_Bu2KstMuMu into master

The incorrect arrows for the DecayDescriptor in the tool tightCut.Decay result in an unphysical asymmetry of cos(theta_L). This problem is resolved by changing the arrows from -> to => This has the effect that the following EventTypes are removed: 12115178 and 12113445. New EventTypes are now: 12115179 and 12113446

Release.note text: ! 2019-01-23 - David Gerick modify two decfiles for B+->K*+ mu mu decays, changing arrows in tightCut.Decay (-> to =>). EventTypes changed incrementally!

  • 12113445 : Bu_Kstmumu,Kpi0=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec
  • 12115178 : Bu_Kstmumu,KSpi=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec
  • 12113446 : Bu_Kstmumu,Kpi0=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec
  • 12115179 : Bu_Kstmumu,KSpi=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec

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