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adding two new dec files for the doubly charmed baryons Xicc+ and Omegacc+

  • one dec file for the Xicc+ baryon:

    • 26165858 - Xicc_Xic0pi,pKKpi-res=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPTv1 - Xic0 decay to p+K-K-pi+ (p+K-K*(892)0 resonance included), lifetime of the Xic0 updated to 155fs
  • one dec file for the Omegacc+:

    • 26165859 - Omegacc_Omegac0pi,pKKpi=GenXicc,DecProdCut,WithMinPTv2 - updated lifetime of the Omega_cc+ to 160fs and lifetime of the Omega_c0 to 268fs

Please notice that EventType does not exactly match the event type numbering convention since the neutral flag should be set to 0 instead of 8 - however we run out of EventType numbers for this case so this approach (set neutral flag to 8 instead of 0) was agreed with Gauss managers some time ago - see this !119 (merged) for more information.

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