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Removed needless hats in decay descriptor for 2 DECfiles

The dispendable hats (^) are removed from the decay descriptor of tightCuts.Decay = {} in two DECfiles to remove new ERROR messages that appear in the latest Gauss version (v49r12). The DECfiles are not yet used for any production, so no new EventType is assigned.

! 2019-02-26 - David Gerick (MR 234)
Modified 2 new/unused decay files:

  • 12115179 : Bu_Kstmumu,KSpi=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec
  • 12113446 : Bu_Kstmumu,Kpi0=PHSP,flatq2,DecProdCut,TightCut.dec

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