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Added 7 decay files for long-lived majorana neutrino

Meriem Boubdir requested to merge mboubdir/my-changes into master

I added 7 new decay files for Majorana neutrino with a lifetime of 10ps and different masses. We will need these new MC samples for our efficiency study in the case of long-lived Majorana neutrinos.

Decay descriptor: [B+ -> (Higgs0 -> mu+ pi-) mu+]cc, in wich B+ is either Bu+ or Bc+

List of added files: Bu_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=2000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bu_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=4000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bu_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=5000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bc_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=2000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bc_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=4000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bc_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=5000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec Bc_MuMajoranaNeutrino2MuPi,m=6000MeV,t=10ps,DecProdCut.dec

Edited by Meriem Boubdir

Merge request reports
