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Add three new dec-files for B -> D(*)D~(*) K analysis near D0D~0 threshold

Vanya Belyaev requested to merge ibelyaev/ddk into master

20190707 Vanya BELYAEV

Add three new dec-files for B -> D()D~() K analysis near D0D~0 threshold:

  1. 11496001 : Bd_Dst+D0KX=TightCuts,mD0D0
  2. 12495401 : Bu_D0D0KX=TightCuts,mD0D0
  3. 12495400 : Bu_D0D0KX=TightCuts
  • The first one covers B0 -> ( D*+D~0 , D*+D~*0 ) K- decays
  • The second and the third cover B+ -> ( D0D~0, D*0D~0 , D0D~*0 , D*0D~*0 , D*+D*- ) K+ decays
  • Tight generator cuts are applied.
  • For the first and the second case also m(D0D~0)<3.8 GeV is required.

@poluekt @vvorobye @mimikhas

Edited by Vanya Belyaev

Merge request reports
