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Add three optimized DecFiles for Xib decays

Vitalii Lisovskyi requested to merge vlisovsk_TightCutXi into master

For the three DecFiles: Xib->JpsiXi, Xib->psi2sXi, Xib->Ximumu:

  • Added and tested TightCuts for long-lived Xi baryon and other decay products. Those include: endvertex Z position requirements on Xi and Lambda, as well as loose ETA and P cuts on all final state particles.
  • Added physical model for Xi and Lambda decays (taken from here or here). TODO: check whether this HELAMP model of Lambda decay is correct, in light of the recent BESIII result. (please merge anyway)

By the way, we are running out of available event types of the kind 1614513X (Xib- -> charmonium something). All except one are either taken already, or are in the list of obsolete event types.

Edited by Vitalii Lisovskyi

Merge request reports
