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Decfiles for R(pp) analysis with new physics model

Ryan Lawrence Newcombe requested to merge rln116/my-changes into master

Here are a few new decfiles intended for the MC production for the R(pp) analysis in the SLWG. The following decfiles and event types are included:

Bu_Delpbarmunu,pX=TightCutpQCD.dec - 12813412 Bu_pNstmunu,pX=TightCutpQCD.dec - 12813402 Bu_ppmunu=DecProdCutpQCD.dec - 12513051 Bu_pptaunu,mununu=DecProdCutpQCD.dec - 12513061

The suffix pQCD denotes the use of a new physics model which was coded up for the analysis, and the JIRA ticket for that merge request can be found here:

Edited by Ryan Lawrence Newcombe

Merge request reports
