New DecFiles to produce hard photons from MB
Added 6 new EvtTypes. The new DecFiles require hard photons (pi0s) from a MB generation with different combination cuts and different pt thresholds.
These are meant to produce high priority samples and test the different efficiency with a certain selection.
- 30000056 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt2GeV-tight.dec
- 30000055 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt2GeV.dec
- 30000054 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt2GeV-inclusive.dec
- 30000050 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt3GeV.dec
- 30000053: minbias=hardPhoton,pt3GeV-inclusive.dec
- 30000052 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt3GeV-tight.dec
- 30000051 : minbias=hardPhoton,pt4GeV.dec
Edited by Adrian Casais Vidal