Add two cocktail decfiles for Xibstar -> Lb K Pi decay
This merge request is to submit two DecFiles for Xib* -> Lb K pi decay mode. Each file is for one Xib* state.
There can be contribution of Sigmab and Sigmab* particles in Lbpi system, and this is implemented in these DecFiles.
For the Lb decay, we use three modes: JpsipK, Lcpi and Lc3pi. The ratio of these modes are based on the ratio of corresponding branching fractions of Lb decays and Jpsi (or Lc) decays.
These files has been tested locally. The
script shows only an error message about the Descriptor
, but the current Descriptor
seems to be fine. .xgen
and .root
files can be generated sucessfully. The mass distribution of the Xib*, Sigmab, Sigmab* particles are as expected.